The 2032 Awakening

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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It was a clear, sunny day when at a hospital wing something amazing happened. As the early rays of the sun crept through the window, a most miraculous thing happened. Two of the patients opened their eyes.

Thirty years ago in the province of Nova Scotia, a dreadful disease had hit. For most people it was a nothing more than a bad flu, and a few welcome days away from work or school. For others, though, it was dreadful. Bedridden for days, they came to find themselves in a state where they could not move, or even communicate with others. For these unlucky few, years slipped by without a second thought. Unable to do so many things that we take for granted, their minds began to detach themselves from the real world, quite possibly because there was nothing for them in reality. Then, years later, a drug was invented that could cure those who had this problem.

All over the province, patients began to have 'awakenings'. The two people you have previously heard about are two of those patients, Jacob and Chris, having been only thirteen when the disease struck, found themselves waking in a whole new world...

***** It was an amazing thing, when I awoke. At first I thought it was a dream, but then I saw that Chris was there too. For some reason or another we made our way to the nearest window, as if we needed verification of what we saw. We both thought that the other looked much older.

We were awestruck when we gazed out the window. There were skyscrapers with huge domes on top, and out of those domes stuck huge poles. Floating cars zoomed across the landscape. To top it off, giant letters hanging in the sky spelt the word 'Halifax'.

I grinned. "Look's like we aren't in Kansas anymore, huh Chris?" Very soon a doctor came in. He explained to us what exactly was wrong with us, how they fixed it, and mentioned a few major achievements human kind had made during our thirty year hiatus. It was fairly boring at points, but amazing to hear what people had done. "I suppose you'll want to talk for a few minutes before we run any tests. I'll just leave you alone." said the doctor, then he promptly left.

"This is amazing," I said, "We're mobile again, the world seems better than ever, and there's free pop!" "You're insane." replied Chris. "This couldn't get any worse. We're guinea pigs testing some doctor's drug, we missed thirty years of our life and the hospital is horrible. Things couldn't get any worse. Look at all we missed! "What we missed? Look, we woke up in a utopian future. There's tons of things to see and do, and a whole new world to get acquainted with. We may have missed a few things, but we're back to enjoy it now. You should be thankful we're here at all, and not back in that hospital bed, unable to move or talk or laugh or run." We stopped talking until the doctor came back, content to contemplate each others words. You would think that after so many years we wouldn't be able to talk enough, but we were at a loss of what to say.

Soon after the doctor came we were lead into another room, where we were treated to a strange battery of tests. We did everything from having cat-scans to catching baseballs. Although the equipment was hi-tech (compared to what we were used to from 2002) and neat to look and, it soon became boring. I longed to get outside and reacquainted with my generation, but that would hardly come soon.

Days passed in the hospital, each day bringing something new and exciting. Visiting parents, old friends, a strange old clown. Things were going great. The world was waiting at our finger tips, and each day was spent experiencing a new marvel. While I had my doubts that Chris shared my optimistic views, I didn't let him drag me down.

The greatest day came a week from our awakening. Even Chris was excited when the doctor came with the news. We grabbed our coats, which were among the possessions our families brought in and followed the doctor. It was a long walk, and tiring after our long slumber, but it was certainly worthwhile. We walked past the receptionist, pushed open the door and for the first time in thirty years I felt fresh air on my face. It reminded me why I was such an optimist anyway. With new life in my limbs and new hope in my heart, I went with the doctor and Chris to see the world.