Academic Intrest

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorUniversity, Master's November 2001

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My interest in education began when my school offered a Peer Leadership Program, where selected seniors help incoming freshman cope with the academic and social pressures of transitioning from the Middle School to the Upper School. My election to this elite course started in my junior year by submitting applications to be reviewed by the selection committee, and culminated with the recommendation for acceptance by the Administration. In the Peer Leadership class, I am training to improve my student leadership skills. Interpersonal and communication techniques are being developed through interaction with the two freshman groups, which I mentor. My goal is to help freshman connect with Upper School students, to guide them through problem solving skills, and to explore alternatives on their own. I am committed to making myself available for advice, and strive to become a standard. This Peer Leadership Program with its emphasis on guidance of younger people has naturally moved me toward teaching as an intended major.

Also, I simply adore children! I would love to help students mature and develop. The possibility of coaching within a school environment is tantalizing. The leadership skills, obtained through both the Peer Leadership Program and varsity sports, should help me teach and guide the youth of America toward an understanding of their own achievements in the classroom and to impact their potential future.