Advantages of Television

Essay by sharada_patilHigh School, 12th grade March 2003

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Advances in transportation and communication like the airplane and the telephone have changed the way the nations interact with each other in a global society. Choose another technological innovation that you think is important. Give specific reasons for your choice.

Advances in transportation and communication like the airplane and telephone have changed the way the nations interact with each other in a global society.Another technological innovation that I think important is the television.

Television or the so-called 'idiot box' has changed every aspect of our life. It is a very good mean of entertainment. It is a source of entertainment for all age groups,right from children to the aged. One can watch colorful animated cartoons for children as well as health shows and sports for adults. One can even watch movies at home and thus the time and strain one has to take to buy tickets or go to the theater is saved.

A person who is worned out from office can come home and relax himself to watch his favorite TV program. Television can never bore anyone and serves as a good time pass.

Television is also a good media for a person to be upgraded with the knowledge of what is happening around the world. Television or I can say ' The Fifth Estate ', next to newspaper can tell people of the recent events happening around us. People now can see the Iraq war in their drawing rooms through private TV channels like CNN, BBC, FOX etc. shown on TV, which would never be possible without the television. Cinema awards and important sport pogrammes are being watched live nowadays by millions of viewers through TV.

This media can even change the political life and has changed it in many countries. People can upgrade themselves about the government especially during days of elections and budget sessions. For example,the downfall of Rajiv Gandhi in India due to the Bofor's crisis was because of different types of mass media like the television.

Through television one can know the details of recent discoveries,innovations ,inventions and achievements visually happening around the globe. Education can be made simple by lecturers. They can show television documentaries with good animation effects to made studies interesting. It has been known that things known or learnt visually stick into the head and can be grasped faster rather than in a theoretical way .

Hence,apart from telephones and airplanes,I feel televisions are an innovation that has changed our lives and is one of the main reasons for making the world a 'global village'.