Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was a mathematician, physicist and genius.

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein was a mathematician, physicist and genius. Albert Einstein was a poor student in school, but he questioned everything he didn't understand. When he was five years old his dad brought him his first compass. Albert wanted to know what invisible force drove the needle. This was the first time he questioned something. He wasn't dumb he wanted to learn.

As he got older he studied more complex things. He had to study math and physics to figure out the theories. His uncle, Jacob Einstein, introduced him to algebra and geometry. Algebra is math that searches for the unknown, known as "X". Geometry has to do with lines, points and angles. He understood them but he had a little trouble with calculations.

As the years went by, World War II began. The US didn't know how to split the atom. Einstein feared the Nazis were onto nuclear fission, the splitting of the atoms.

This could cause an explosion. He wrote a letter to the president that the US should buy uranium and research it. His formula, E=MC2 would help scientists split the atom and the atomic bomb was invented.

He found out that president Roosevelt was going to drop the bomb on Japan. The bomb was dropped and was a success for the US, but devastation for Einstein. After the bomb was dropped, Albert dedicated the rest of his life to peace.

Another experiment he did was if a train was moving a 60 mph and you roll a ball inside moving at 5 mph, the speed of the ball would not be 65 mph but still 5 mph. The reasoning is because outside something can move faster than something inside of it. If you think you are standing still, you are not. The earth moves at 1,000 mph and it rotates around the sun at about 67,000 mph. We don't feel this movement because of our frame of reference.

Albert was also studying about the types of pull. The two main ones are gravity and electromagnetism. The third one is stronger than both gravity and electromagnetism. This strong pull does not reach far distances. This is why humans don't notice it in everyday life. The fourth kind is stronger than gravity, but weaker than electromagnetism. People have observed it from nuclear reactions.

As he got older his ideas were used more and more often in science labs and everyday life. If students asked if they should have a career in science he would say, "Science is a wonderful thing if one does not earn one's living at it. One should earn one's living by work of which one is capable. Only when we do not have to be accountable to anybody can we find joy in scientific endeavor." On April 18, 1955 Einstein was dead at the age of 76. This is a little bit about Albert Einstein's interesting life.