Alex The Teenage Hoodlum

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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Alex The Teenage Hoodlum Alex is a teenage hoodlum, who runs a ruthless gang with his three friends, Georgie, Dim and Pete. They were planning to rape a family and rob their house. The day before Alex got into an argument with Dim and ended embarrassing him in front of his peers by punching him in the face. The four arrive at the house in the old part of town that they plan to break into. Through the windows, they can see a very old woman feeding her cats, "Alex wants to first try their usual method; he goes to the front door, knocks on the door and says that his friend is very ill, and asks to use the telephone". The old woman would not open the door because she has heard reports of similar robberies in the neighborhood by a group of four teenagers. "I know your dirty tricks, making me open the door. Go away, I tell you." Alex tells his friends to lift him up so he can reach the window. He ends up breaks into the window and makes his way into the house. Alex tries to show his evil friends that he's better than all three of them by doing the entire heist on his own.

When Alex encounters the old lady in the front room, she threatens him with her walking stick witch makes him laugh. He goes to snatch a record for himself, while doing so he trip's over the saucers of milk that the woman had laid out for her cats. While he was down, the old woman starts hitting him, but kicks her in the hip and knocks her on the ground. The cats begin attacking Alex and he keeps losing his balance and tripping over the saucers. Alex finally manages to get up and gives the woman a good crack on the head with statue, knocking her out.

Alex then hears a police siren in the distance. He runs outside and once he gets out the front door, he finds Dim waiting for him and sees his other two friends running away. He tells Dim to run, because the police are coming, and Dim says, "You stay to meet them," hitting Alex across the eyes with his chain and temporarily blinding him. The police came and found Alex lying helplessly and the old lady unconscious. Alex's ends up being found guilty and was sent to a military institution.