Alexander Hamilton

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 11th grade April 2001

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Alexander Hamilton There are more than six billions of people on the Earth now. A lot of people passed, a lot will come. But some people always were, are and will be remembered. Those, which brought stability to their nations, peace in the houses, put the right laws, established foundations or hospitals. Their names will not be forgotten through the time. Their names always will be written with the capital letter. We call such people "Founding Fathers". They are fathers of the nation, universal fathers. It does not matter what color was their skin, what language they spoke or what religion they believed in. Because kindness, believes they provided to other people are of the same value whether they spoke English or French, Russian or Spanish. I was thinking for a while before I picked a person I admire and want to describe. I could choose one of the Russian guys, like Peter The Great or Katherine II.

But I decided on Alexander Hamilton. A young nationally minded man of New York who had served through out of the war as an aid to General Washington. The one reason why I was attracted by his personality was that despite of his hard, unhappy childhood he did not lose believe to become strong. His early mother death, his father's bankruptcy didn't break his young soul. The courage was incredibly alive in him. He reminded ambitious for military glare for the whole his life. His destiny is very interesting to follow. He started with a bachelor's of art degree; his military aspirations also flowered with a series of early accomplishments. At King's College he joined a patriot volunteer band known as the "Corsicans", he was a captain of artillery, which protected the withdrawal of William Smallwood's militia, after that he was introduced to General Washington. He was only 22, when he was impressed by Washington and joined his personal stuff!!! Is not it a gap? It was only the beginning of his career. At twenty-five, Hamilton began his popular political efforts from which his greatest fame arises. He was admitted to the bar. Then, he opened his law office. He served in Congress and was elected to the Continental Congress, and founded the Bank of New York. Besides all this, he was a famous speaker and author. He made the sensational speeches; people trust and believed him. He loved them too. Once he said: "The people, sir, are a great beast." Hamilton's mind was eminently legal. His writings are distinguished by their clarity, vigor and rigid reasoning, rather than any show of scholarship. He wanted a strong union and energetic government that should "rest as much as possible on the shoulders of the people and as little as possible on those of the state legislatures" Unfortunately his short life didn't allow him to accomplish other things he wanted to do, but anyway he left unforgettable track of his work. He hadn't been lived in vain. He was a Founding Father"¦.