I Am The Ruler Of Criuse

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Pg.37-38 I. Hammurabi A. king of Babylon, brought Mesopotamia together B. published the first set of written rules known as the Code of Hammurabi C. wanted people to know the principles of govt.

D. Crime and Punishment 1. listed both criminal and civil laws E. Laws for women 1. regulated the behavior of women 2. gave father total control over children pg.110-112 I. Athens: A limited democracy A. Aristocracy located in Attica 1. Wealth and power grew, wanted more rights 2. Soon moved toward having a democracy-rule by the people B. Solon's reform 1. trusted leader in 594 BCE 2. freed those who were in slavery 3. opened high offices to more citizens 4. granted citizenship to foreigners C. Tyrants-people who gained power by force D. Later Reforms 1. Pisistratus in 546BCE helped farmers and gave them jobs to the poor 2. weakened the aristocracy by giving citizens a greater voice 3.

Cleisthenes in 507 BCE, allowed citizens more in govt.

4. eventually made a legislature for the people 5. legislature- law making body E. Limited Rights 1. only male can participate in govt.

2. Slaves had no personal freedom 3. Gave the people a more saying in decision that other civilizations F. Women 1. Manage the whole household 2. spun and wove, care for children and prepared food pg.212-213 I. Magna Carta A. limited the king's power B. powers than allowed to nobles than were to all citizens C. king must first consult with his council of lords and clergy II. Development of Parliament A. English rulers called the Great Council for advice B. parliament-to talk C. the parliament had two house body D. House of Commons and Lords E. Commons-knights and middle class citizens F. Lords- nobles and high clergy pg.191-194 I. Feudalism A. basic need for protection B. Monarch was on the top of the chain C. peasants made up most of the population D. nobles trained to be a knight 1. mounted warrior 2. began at age 7 and ended at age 21 3. code of conduct called the chivalry E. powerful lords lived in castles F. lord's estate was called the manor G. serfs worked at the manors but were not slaves II. Japanese Feudalism A. the military leader was called the shogun B. warrior lords were called daimyo D. warrior were called samurai "those who serve" 1. developed their own code of values 2. code of the warrior