American interpretation of the events and outcomes of the war

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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American interpretation of the events and outcomes of the war of 1812 America declares war against the British. This war is known as "Mr. Madison's War" or "The Second American Revolution." U.S. loses Ft. Mackinac as the British invade American territory.

Three attempts are made by the U.S. to invade Canada. They all end in failure.

The USS Constitution ("Old Ironsides") defeats the HMS Guerriere.

Battle of Frenchtown.

British and Indian allies repel Kentucky troops in bloody fighting. The American survivors are killed in the Raisin River Massacre.

Battle of York (Toronto). US troops take control of Great Lakes and burn York.

Battle of Lake Erie. US forces under Captain Perry defeat a British naval attack. October Battle of Thames (Ontario, Canada). Tecumseh is killed in a US victory.

Battle of Horseshoe Bend (Mississippi Territory). Andrew Jackson defeats the Creek Indians.

The British plan a 3-part invasion of US: Chesapeake Bay, Lake Champlain, & the mouth of Mississippi River.

The British are eventually turned back at Baltimore harbor.

The British burn Washington, D.C. and Madison flees the White House.

Battle of Plattsburgh (Lake Champlain). The US secures its northern border with a huge victory over a larger British force.

The Hartford Convention occurs. A group of Federalists discuss secession and propose seven amendments to protect the influence of Northeastern states. Treaty of Ghent. The British and American diplomats agree to return to the status quo from before the war.

Battle of New Orleans. Andrew Jackson scores a huge victory and paves the way to the White House. 700 British are killed, 1400 are wounded. The US only loses 8 soldiers.

Canada interpretation of the events and outcomes of the war of 1812