Analysis of The Bicycle and its Role in Society

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's February 2008

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Not only are Parents responsible for providing food and shelter for their Children, but they should also help them to develop their mental and physical condition. A Bicycle, a vehicle having two wheels one behind the other, influences a child's physical, intellectual and social development. It also can improve the quality of life. Riding a bicycle will provide children with health and other benefits. A bicycle can save them money in gas and also decrease the rate of pollution First of all, riding a bicycle requires movement of the entire body. It strengthens leg muscles. Moreover, it not only requires stability and balance, but it also develops coordination. It also requires stamina, and therefore keeps a child's heart and lungs strong. A moderate amount of physical activity, like a short cycle-commute, can protect against health problems like obesity, cancer, mature-onset diabetes, and osteoporosis.

Next, owning a bike stimulates the intellectual development of a child; first, the child becomes interested in sports, especially in cycling.

Second, she/he learns how parts work together, and how to maintain and repair the bicycle. Third, the child has to learn to obey traffic signs and laws. What's more, one must become responsible towards pedestrians. They need to learn that if they obey the traffic laws on their bikes that they will be usually be safe, and they need to know that breaking the traffic laws can get them hurt Finally riding around the neighborhood helps children to develop social skills. Owning a bike gives one the possibility of meeting other people and attending social events. Looking forward to reaching a destination and having interesting things to look at along the way, make bicycling quite pleasurable, especially for children who are quickly bored by the monotony of other activities In conclusion, physical activities provide many important health benefits for children. Regular exercise can make children feel good and build their confidence. Parents should encourage children to participate in physical activities that are safe and fun. A bicycle makes a child healthier, smarter and the more social person. However, as with all physical activities bicycling is not without hazards; Parents also must train their child to use the helmet during cycling.