Analysis Of Racing Pigs And Giant Marrows

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2002

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The text to which I will be referring is an extract from "˜Racing Pigs and Giant Marrows' by Henry Pearson. The book is, in my opinion, aimed at people aged 30 and above, due to the context of the story, and the people and objects referred to, for example Little Richard. The purpose of the book, as with many, is to entertain, and the text itself is arranged in paragraphs.

The use of grammar and syntax in this story is to great effect. When referring to himself or anything close to him, his use of language is very informal, with many expressions, such as "˜takes the biscuit' being included. However, when referring to certain animals, such as pheasants, or members of the middle class, the syntax becomes much more complex, and the grammar more formal, for example "˜Sometimes assistants in expensive shops develop, though association with the rich and powerful, the misguided impression that they too are socially superior.'

Pearson also uses a great deal of anthropomorphism when referring to various animals, most notably pheasants. "˜"¦he'd appraise me down the length of his beak as if to say "and just who do you think you are, you tedious little man?"' Alliteration is also commonly employed within this story, mainly to ridicule the object or creature to which he is referring, for example "˜the pedigree poodle population'.

In conclusion, this story achieves what it set out to do, that is to entertain. It does this through clever use of grammar, switching quickly between formal and informal depending on the context, and retaining throughout an amusing and witty tone. I cannot remark upon its suitability for its intended target readership, however I very much enjoyed reading this extract.