
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate November 2001

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Taken From All That I Know T.J. of "Antaeus" is a character that we are introduced to by the author of this fictional story. It takes place in a large city such as Chicago or New York City. T.J. is a country boy that has obviously lived in the country all of his life. His dialect, looks, and everything else is a dead give away. He is not very talkative, but he is not completely unsocial. He is also very adaptive to his surroundings. He loves the country so much that he pretends to be in the country even though he is not. He is a very hard worker, yet he works for no one except himself. He is country, not very talkative, and a hard worker.

T.J. is obviously from the country and the first hint would be that he was forced from the south on a trip in a old-model sedan full of junk.

He had to endure the ride with his three sisters. He also talks in a slow voice. He does not always use grammar , which could be common in a southern dialect. Also when he got to the city, he wanted to play in some woods. But the firdt activity that he really participated in was planting a garden. This is something that probably happened at his old house.

T.J. is not very talkative person but not entirely quite and unsocial. When his friends ask him where he was from, he simply replied "Marion County." He did not say what state that was in or even what region of the country he was from. When they ask him what his name was, all he said was "T.J." He did not say his last name or ask his friends what their names were, nor did he try to converse with them in any way at all. The only time that he really spoke was when they were talking about something that he liked. This proves that he was someone that just was to himself and did not need anyone else except himself.

T.J. is a very hard worker and works for himself and takes pride in what he does. This is evident when they start to work on their garden. He immediately started to go to work on it. He was just trying to bring home to him. He worked on getting dirt up to the rood, planting the seed, maintaining the crop in tip-top shape and overall made the garden his center focus. He worked hard to make the garden on top of their building turn into a very good thing. The businessmen that owned the building eventually found the garden and were going to destroy it. T.J. had worked so hard on this that he wasn't going to let some punks in suits that he didn't know take it out while he had to stand by helplessly. So as quick as T.J. planted the garden down, he got it right back up. T.J. felt it better for him to tear it up than anyone else. This just says how much if a worker he is and how much pride he takes in his work.

The author of this story chose this as a story because they probably had something relating to this happen to them. Maybe the author is T.J. and had to go through all of those hardships that were talked about in the story. Maybe the story wasn't exactly what happened to them but serves as a metaphor for the real happenings in the author's life. Overall, the story relates to the author in one way or another and helps the author remember the large impact that is had on their life.

Michael Barker English 1 CP November 2, 2001 Ashe Taken From All That I Know T.J. of "Antaeus" is a character that we are introduced to by the author of this fictional story. It takes place in a large city such as Chicago or New York City. T.J. is a country boy that has obviously lived in the country all of his life. His dialect, looks, and everything else is a dead give away. He is not very talkative, but he is not completely unsocial. He is also very adaptive to his surroundings. He loves the country so much that he pretends to be in the country even though he is not. He is a very hard worker, yet he works for no one except himself. He is country, not very talkative, and a hard worker.

T.J. is obviously from the country and the first hint would be that he was forced from the south on a trip in a old-model sedan full of junk. He had to endure the ride with his three sisters. He also talks in a slow voice. He does not always use grammar , which could be common in a southern dialect. Also when he got to the city, he wanted to play in some woods. But the firdt activity that he really participated in was planting a garden. This is something that probably happened at his old house.

T.J. is not very talkative person but not entirely quite and unsocial. When his friends ask him where he was from, he simply replied "Marion County." He did not say what state that was in or even what region of the country he was from. When they ask him what his name was, all he said was "T.J." He did not say his last name or ask his friends what their names were, nor did he try to converse with them in any way at all. The only time that he really spoke was when they were talking about something that he liked. This proves that he was someone that just was to himself and did not need anyone else except himself.

T.J. is a very hard worker and works for himself and takes pride in what he does. This is evident when they start to work on their garden. He immediately started to go to work on it. He was just trying to bring home to him. He worked on getting dirt up to the rood, planting the seed, maintaining the crop in tip-top shape and overall made the garden his center focus. He worked hard to make the garden on top of their building turn into a very good thing. The businessmen that owned the building eventually found the garden and were going to destroy it. T.J. had worked so hard on this that he wasn't going to let some punks in suits that he didn't know take it out while he had to stand by helplessly. So as quick as T.J. planted the garden down, he got it right back up. T.J. felt it better for him to tear it up than anyone else. This just says how much if a worker he is and how much pride he takes in his work.

The author of this story chose this as a story because they probably had something relating to this happen to them. Maybe the author is T.J. and had to go through all of those hardships that were talked about in the story. Maybe the story wasn't exactly what happened to them but serves as a metaphor for the real happenings in the author's life. Overall, the story relates to the author in one way or another and helps the author remember the large impact that is had on their life.