
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade April 2001

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Sophocles', Antigone has two subjects involved in this drama. The conflict of male against female and pride. Antigone is seen as a criminal and defies her Uncle Creon and also becomes feminist, she then becomes a hero basically. Creon, is the king and trying to control Antigone and sees everything as man has the say so.

Antigone becomes a criminal by bury her brother Policies, after the state told her she couldn't bury him because he fought for the enemy. Then she violated the state twice by not only bury her but not behaving like a female which is to obey men. She is seen as brave, defiant and unlike most women in her society. She says boldly "No, he has no right to keep me from my own" (60). Her sister Ismene behaves like societies image of women are suppose to be, "Then too, we're underlings, ruled by much stronger hands," (75).

Antigone behaves nothing like a model woman in these times. Ismene on the other hand is afraid to be defiant and sees herself as lower than man; "I'd do them no dishonor"¦ but defy the city? I have no strength for that," (94-95).

Society and Creon was appalled that a woman had such a behavior. King Creon punishes Antigone and arrests her. Creon believes that Antigone will not win and states: "No? Believe me, the stiffest stubborn wills fall the hardest; the toughest iron," (528-29).

Antigone responds to King Creon: Creon. And still you had the gull to break the law? Antigone. Of course I did. (499-500) Seeing that Antigone wasn't afraid Creon became engulfed with anger: You in my house, you vipers, slinking undetected, Sucking my life-blood! I never knew Byers 3 I was breeding twin disasters, the two of you rising up against my throne. (597-600) King Creon sentences Antigone to death because she made him so angry by defying him. He was so angry that he killed her slowly by putting her in a tomb so she runs out of breath and says that this will make Antigone regret her actions. Creon shows no emotion when he executes Antigone, soon to be the bride of his son, Haemon. His explanation for this action is "inferior to a woman, never (759-61). Haemon was so hurt by his fathers actions and despised him. Creon's rage had now cost him his son.

King Creon's pride filled rage has sacrificed Antigone and sacrificed his relationship with his son. Antigone's love for her brother and boldness cost her to be sentenced to death but she will live forever because of her brave behavior. King Creon actually gave Antigone more power by killing her because he became so paranoid that he thought everyone was against him. So in the end Antigone proved Creon wrong.