AOS- After experiencing a change; why is it that we fail to appreciate these repercussions of this change? It is too often that we see past the positive effects

Essay by kirstin89High School, 11th gradeA-, April 2007

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This essay uses related material:J ane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”, Sky High” by Hannah Robert, and “Princess Diana, A celebration: 1966-1997” .

Change comes in numerous forms and is unrestricted to its effects on those who experience it. However this change comes about, whether it be change in self or change in perspective; the end result is ALWAYS positive. Consequently, all change is good; even when we neglect these affirmative effects, misconceiving alterations for inconvenience. Through the writing of Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”, it is verified through the change in characters, that each character endures the positive results of their own change. Further justification exists through the narrative “Sky High” by Hannah Robert, and “Princess Diana, A celebration: 1966-1997” a BBC biography.

The main plot featured in “Pride and “prejudice” revolves around the change in character of Elizabeth Bennet. Elizabeth’s vanity originally affects her judgment of Mr. Darcy, making her consider poorly of him in their first acquaintance.

She was asked by Mr. Wickham “are you much acquainted with Mr. Darcy?” Elizabeth’s response to this was “As much as I ever wish to be…I have spent four days in the same house with him, and I think him very disagreeable.” This evidently proves Elizabeth’s detest of Mr. Darcy at an early stage of their meeting. Once Elizabeth has had a chance to recognise Darcy’s true character her judgement begins to change. She later tells Mr. Darcy “I can comprehend you going on charmingly”.

Not only has her prejudice affected her changing views of Darcy, but also of Mr. Wickham. Without proper knowledge of the man, she speaks very highly of him. “When Mr. Wickham walked into the room, Elizabeth felt like she had neither been seeing him before, nor thinking of him since, with the smallest degree of unreasonable admiration.” With she tells Mrs. Gardiner “The most agreeable man (Mr. Wickham) I ever saw.” This is suggesting that Elizabeth has developed certain feelings towards Mr. Wickham after only just meeting him. Once she had been introduced to his true personality, Elizabeth’s opinion of Wickham dramatically changes with the progression of character development. She says of him “when my eyes were open to his true character-oh! Had I known what I ought, what I dared, to do! But I knew not- I was afraid of doing too much. Wretched, wretched, mistake! This is proving that once again, Elizabeth’s judgment of a character changes after she learns entirely of a person.

Elizabeth has experienced change in self, in that of which new people have been introduced into her life, she acts out of prejudice to judge these people, and form opinions of them based on her prejudice; it’s not until she attains a persons true character does her opinions based on prejudice change. As a result of this change she is able to see clearly the proper nature of a person, instead of acting out of prejudice; demonstrating that her change has been for the better.

Complimenting Elizabeth’s change is the change undertaken by her younger Catherine Bennet. She was firstly a love struck young girl, falling for every man she met. “Every day added something to the knowledge of the officers’ names and connections. They (Kitty and Lydia) talked of nothing but officers. On the arrival of the militia regiment was in the neighbourhood.

Kitty soon after transformed from the loss of Lydia and began to improve her behaviour.

“Kitty, to her very material advantage, spent the chief of her time with her two elder sisters. In society so superior to what she had generally known, her improvement was great… removed from Lydia’s example she became, by proper attention and management, less irritable, less ignorant, and less insipid.”This proves that with the absence of Lydia, Kitty has grown to be a better person. Lydia was no longer an influence on Kitty and because of this Kitty had experienced a change in herself which allowed her to be not as ill-tempered or bad- mannered. Kitty accepted this change, and because of it, she became more mature as seen by society. Proving that her change is not only good in that of self maturity, but also resulting in a better public perception. Showing once again that all change is good.

Furthermore ‘Sky high’ bases the perspective of change from a nostalgic childhood view as seen through the eyes on an older person, showing how much her perspective has changed of her life in the backyard. She recalls “there was an almond tree in the corner, and a small nectarine tree, hung with its hard –bird bitten fruit.” She suggests now that “today, however, it is bare.” She is recollecting on how as a child her backyard was full of enjoyment with many things to look at; whilst now she sees nothing of importance.

The writer suggests that as a child she was young and carefree “I bask in the sun in my exalted position, almost sky-high, feeling frilly and nearly as pink as the bathers I am wearing”. She later suggests that as she got older responsibilities weighted her down. “It’s unlikely the washing line could support me this time. There are too many things tying me to the ground.”The narrative shows that as a person gets older physically; their mental state must follow suit and also mature.

‘Sky High” presents change in that of changing perspective. The writer responds to this change by reflecting on her past and understanding that she cannot act as she once did; as now she has responsibilities to account for. Although the writer may not see the change as being for the better, she is undoubtedly at benefit. The writer has learnt to now take responsibility, and instead of acting out of impulse, to first consider her actions.

In addition, the documentary “Princess Diana, A celebration: 1966-1997”, presents the highlights and lowlights of the late princess Diana of Wales. Moving her way from “the shy nineteen year old childcare worker”, Princess Diana began her working career as a nanny and childcare worker who was particularly interested in charity work- to being the “world’s most photographed woman, her transformation into a public icon.” when she married Prince Charles it allowed her the opportunity to work world wide with children and charities, making her one of the most well known charity workers.

Princess Diana experienced a change in self. Although Diana may not have married for these opportunities, she was given the chance to participate in what she wanted most in life; and did so. Diana came about a life change, and because of it she was able to better the world; proof that her change was good.

It is quite clear that all change brings a positive outcome. So when contemplating over your next life change, try to incorporate the positive repercussions of your change before you plan on neglecting them -because all change is good.