Arab Muslims misconceptions of music

Essay by ahlam_aayCollege, Undergraduate July 2005

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Music in one of the most beautiful gifts that God has given to man. It is up to the people to use it or abuse it. Yet, many people abuse it or have misconceptions about it and that can be quite upsetting. The overall public's opinion in the Arab world about music is that it is haram (prohibited).

This disturbing phenomenon is very popular especially in Gulf countries. Why? Because extremist Muslims are afraid of the current modernization, such as western clothes and modern music, that is sweeping the people. They think that listening to pop music (whether Arab or western) has a destructive effect on people which will lead to committing sins. So, these extremist Muslims are reinforcing strict laws that will bring people backwards.

The prohibitions that extremist scholars have about music are innovations because they refuse to follow God's commands. In fact, sincere Muslims who follow the Quran will not find any prohibition whatsoever of music.

I believe that this negative perception of music must be changed, so that musicians will be given their rightful place in society.

Plato best summarizes the essence of music: "Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything".