The Aspects of Will and How They Relate to Good and Evil.

Essay by Joey_rHigh School, 12th gradeA+, November 2006

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According to the Webster Dictionary, the word will is defined as, " The faculty of conscious and especially of deliberate action; the power of control the mind has over its own actions." The ability to act out on ones own is a privilege that could have extreme consequences. Even with laws and religious rules, people tend to use will to make decisions. Which could lead to jail time or even damnation. However, there is goodness within will. Since will is the control the mind has over its own actions, we are able to make charitable decisions using the act of will.

If a student acts willfully in a belligerent manner, then of course, that student will be reprimanded by school authorities. But if this same student acts in a civilized manner, he will be rewarded. We do not see this as will because he is following the school's rules. What if the student wasn't worried about the school rules, and was just being respectful? What if in the student's upbringing his parents taught him to respect his superiors? Then the student simply acted on will to be respectful.

In this case we see the student was rewarded because of his willful actions.

Now let's take a criminal for example. The criminal is acting on will by going to a store and robbing it. The criminal knows these actions are punishable by jail time and against the law. He willfully plunders the store despite the consequences. At the same time these actions could be rewarding for the criminal. He may steal enough money to support his family.

It really depends on the person's morals to determine if a person's will is rewarded or punished. The acts of goodness and will could go hand in hand if one's morals are benevolent. One is not able to directly answer if will is punished or goodness rewarded.