Assited Suicide The Right To Die

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate May 2001

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Thought it may be an uncomfortable thing to know, there is something people are being denied. People are denied things everyday, what these people are being denied is uncomprehendable. Terminally ill, suffering people are being denied the right to end there suffering. They are forced to live each day in misery. Now, all these people want is to end there suffering. We could help by legalizing assisted suicide, helping to stop their pain. People have been forced to end their own lives, without proper medical help, some have had to have loved ones do it for them. In result they suffered legal consequences. I believe that terminally ill people under much discomfort should be allowed to make the choice of assisted suicide.

Richard McIlory 71, whom whose suffering from lukiemia had become unbearable, had his wife help him commit suicide by giving him chocolate ice cream sprinkled with seconal tablets (C.

Baron 1). Legalizing assisted suicide would prevent trudges like this one from ever having to occur. Instead of on person suffering the government makes it two. Sixty-six year old Dietrich Weithnery from Pennsylvania killed his wife Louise. She was suffering from a combination of asthma, congestive heart failure, and diabetes. Walking to his wives bedside, he was forced to pick up a two-foot long oxygen tank and slamming it into her head forceful enough to kill her. Next he tried to killmh8mself by slashing his wrists, but was saved by the paramedics. One and a half years later he was sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole (C. Baron 1).

There is so much information on this topic it is almost overwhelming. Throughout the ages, people have reflected upon the issues of death and dyeing. With the advent of modern medical technology and the more common usage of artificial measures to prolong life, many people today are more fearful of the process of dying than of death itself (life and death final report 1). Now, if we are advanced enough to prolong life, than why are we letting the people who are terminally ill and suffering let themselves decide if they want to die? What kind of barbaric custom is this? Then when someone tries to help these poor suffering people he is called a murderer. I also see this as a violation of basic human rights.

"Others think that tradtional medical ethics are crumbling before our very eyes. Where phyysicians once swore to "do know harm," today many docorts think it accebtable to kill a patient whom requests death" (1). Quoting a writer by the name of Welsly J. Smith. Smith argues that doctors used to be taught that all patients had an equel inhearent moral value . This value system known variously as the "equality or sancaty of life" ethic(1). This ethic thus intitled them optium medical care based on their individual needs and by simple virtue of their humanity. Today a growing pragmatic spirit threatens ederly and disabled patients with complete abandonment by doctors based on "quality of life" considerations. Wesely also points out that doctors of yore would never divide their loylaties between patients and managed health care business enities, where prfits come from inducing phycicians to reduce the levels of care(1).

Well, back in the days of yore, everything that was taught to any one, professional or not, ethic wise is challenged today. Times change and people change with it. Along with the growth of the human race, society, and technology, creates new enviorments. It is a known fact that all living things adapt to there enviorment. They adapt alowwing survival. It is an ancient cycle.

In recent, years a number of cases have come to light, attracting a considerable amount of media attention, not just in the United States either. The most contrivesal and popular topic, a man accused and convicted of being a murderer, Dr. Jack Kivorkian. Also known as the "Dr. of Death," a man who assited in hundreds of suicides.

When dr. Kivorkian firstnstarted assiting suicides, many people thought he was simply trying to make a point, and that, having done so, he would stop. That was not the cas , he just kept going and going. When he assited four people in one week, it seemed to many people that was really a bit over the top. Yet, we don't want to find him guilty of murder. We do want him or someone like him to be available to us if the need ever came up (Block 1).

The reason for this thinking is that we are afraid of pain. Not the ordinary , bearable painn that we are accustomed to-headaches and backaches, or childbirth and broken bones. Our minds help us get through them by assurung us the pain will eventually go away. We can deasl with anything if we know it wil end. Thanking the advances in medicine as well as our doctorsdevotion to preserving life, wiolll be able to keep our pain "“wracked flesh alive a liittle longer. Infinite pain without hopoe is what frightned us (Block 2).

Dr. Kivorkian got a bum rap from many ununderstanding people. Alain C. Baird writes differently. I think these are all wonderful statements thst need to be seen by more people.

He accepts people with little chance at a paneless death, and he removes theere pain.

The most popular of these events is the " Dr. of Death ", Dr. Jack Kevorkian. A man who assisted in 100s of suicides, infuriating thousands. " And yet, we don't want to find him guilty of murder, yet we call him a murderer. We do want him or someone like him, to be available to us, in case of need. " The " Dr. of Death " made the front page numerous times. The media kept us well informed for many months.