The Astrology Profile

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate August 2001

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Greetings. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the Astrologist. I will be doing astrological profiles of certain SRK members. First one is Brandon Lee.

Born on March 24, The Day of Beguiling Simplicity, Aries March 24 people are spontaneous and direct, and generally prefer to keep life as simple as they can. When confronted with problems, whether in their work or personal life, they tend to make broad choices and avoid entanglements if possible. Yet fate seems to serve up complexity again and again for them, whether in the form of difficult individuals or challenges which they must surmount. Finding the simplest manner with which to deal with such complexity can thus become a most pressing task.

There is an undeniably childlike air about March 24 people. Their natural demeanor and openness is usually apparent at first meeting. Because of their attitude of wonder and expectation, however, they react worse than most to disappointment and rejection, and in extreme cases severe depression can overcome them.

Indeed, for many born on this day a tinge of sadness is a lifelong companion.

March 24 people usually display a quite demeanor. Rarely do they enjoy speech for its own sake. Instead they prefer to express themselves physically, whether in love, hobbies or athletic endeavors. They can make highly satisfying partners, both as mates and co-workers. In addition, those born on this day seldom arouse antagonism in the workplace and are usually highly prized for their ability to unassumingly produce steady results.

Modesty is a fine attribute of many March 24 people. Those born on this day can in fact be retiring, sometimes shy, yet it would be a great mistake for others to assume that they are passive or an easy touch. For example, in the face of opposition or outright attack, they show great fortitude and rarely back down, and in their home life they generally insist that things be done their way, harmoniously if possible. Where March 24 people are more vulnerable is when subtle pressures or negativity are exerted on them over a long period of time, these may ultimately wear them down and insidiously undermine their hopeful and positive outlook.

Because of their many desirable qualities-affection, loyalty, spontaneity- it may be difficult for friends and family to understand why March 24 people so often fall into problematical situations. Part of the reason may be that the optimistic expectations and openness of those born on this day prevent them from taking a more realistic approach. Thus March 24 people must learn to be more methodical and a bit less fanciful in confronting and solving daily problems, perhaps tempering their childlike directness with a healthy dose of watchfulness, caution and care.

TAROT The tarot is the lovers card, symbolizing the love that unites all of humanity through integration of masculine and feminine polarities. On the good side this card indicates affections and desires on a high moral, aesthetic and physical plane; on the bad side, unfulfilled desires, sentimentality and indecisiveness.

HEALTH March 24 people are highly sensitive. Consequently their health is directly related to their mental-emotional state and to that of those around them. Above all, they should strive to achieve harmony in their relationships and living situation. Emotional imbalances may cause sickness, manifesting in a bewildering variety of symptoms, some acute, some chronic. Yet even quite serious systemic disorders can clear up if the cause of the emotional imbalance is discovered and dealt with. Those born on March 24 do well with a balanced diet and should avoid powerful stimulants like coffee, alcohol and sugar when possible, although chocolate may be valuable for its possible anti-depressant properties. Dinners composed of rise or pasta and cooked vegetables, lightly spiced, may be best for keeping on an even keel. A daily or tri-weekly regimen of moderate physical exercise is highly recommended.

ADVICE Keep your life balanced and beware of attracting trouble. Handle small matters with care and patience. There are in fact details that merit your concern.

Strengths: Positive, Open, Affectionate Weaknesses: Imprecise, depressive, unrealistic Those rules by Venus and by the number 6, value harmony above all things, and find social interaction stimulating and rewarding. They enjoy romance, but the kind of love they crave is generally more affectionate in nature than passionate. However, because Mars rules Aries, March 24 people come under a Venus/Mars connection that grants sexual attractiveness and can produce a rather stormy love life.