
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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The story "Aurora", by Juno Diaz is about Junior, Cut, and Aurora. Teenagers, who for unknown reasons have to live on the streets exposed to drugs, sex, and crime. There is a relationship between them, where Junior and Cut are best friends and Aurora has some feelings for Junior. Yes, there is love between Junior and Aurora, but due to the circumstances of life, the environment they live, and amount of drugs they use; they are forced to live on the streets with a surviving (on-going) relationship. Junior loves Aurora as the text describes several times. Although he loves Aurora, he mistreats her and never takes that relationship seriously.

After several attempts reading the story, I know Junior loves Aurora. They have been dating for a while and through time we see that they care for each other. He has bought her clothes, which shows that he cares for her.

Every time that they get together, even though it is once, twice a week, or just for the weekend, they find the chance to talk, kiss, hold hands, and time to jig. When they are alone, we can see that he lets her kiss parts of his face that almost never gets touched. These actions are hard to see in couples who are only together for sex. We can see that both of them have affection and the need for each other. Another reason why Junior loves Aurora is that even though he is sexually involved with other girls, he looks for Aurora. Every time when he is alone he misses her and shows desperation to find her.

Although Junior loves Aurora, he mistreats her and never takes their relationship seriously. Junior on occasions abuses her and hits her until she bleeds. Once he punched her in the chest and gave her a black and blue bruise. Another time was after they had sex, he amazes himself how nasty he feels and he wants to put his fist in her face again. Most of these aggressions take place when he or both of them are under the influence of drugs. After the sex, the drugs, the abuse, and the things that they don't remember doing, they found each other as a normal couple. I remember when I was twenty one and my girlfriend was nineteen, we used to fight a lot for stupid reasons. Sometimes we hit each other until she ended up calling the police and have me arrested. Despite the ups and downs between us, I never stop loving her. I realized that our fights were the result of my immaturity and because my excessive consume of alcohol. Junior never takes the relationship seriously even when Aurora confess that at one point she was pregnant and wanted to name their baby after him. This show how immature Junior is and what kind of relationship we can expect between Junior and Aurora who's barely seventeen. In the other hand, Junior thinks a lot about Aurora and helps her in everything he can. He wants to save her and dreams good things as mentioned in the text. "I put my arm around her and wouldn't let her go for like fifty years, maybe not ever".

Junior loves Aurora. The extensive use of drugs and immaturity between them makes it impossible for that relationship to grow. Clearly we can see the necessity for each other is there, despite the need of drugs as an addiction. I truly can say from my own experience, no matter the physical abuse if there is love. Love is blind until you open your eyes. It means that if you really see with open eyes that someone is mistreating you and you decide to end that relationship, there is no longer love there. If you decide to stay despite the physical abuse, there is strong feelings there attached, which I call love. I know Junior has a vision of them being together until they get old. If you think in the future of a person who you would like to stay with forever, I think it will be for love.