Autobiography Of Malcolm X

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade August 2001

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Word gets around fast in Cold Sassy, Georgia. For instance, when Grandpa E. Rucker Blakeslee announce one July morning in 1906 that he was going to marry Miss Love Simpson, only three weeks after Granny Blakslee had died, everyone knew within hours. This led to young Will Tweedy found himself in a major scandal. Will approves of the May - December match and follows through with it.

As a chaperone, Will does some growing up of his own. He almost gets run over by a train and lives to tell about it. He also kisses his first girl, Lightfoot McClendon, which leads to a scandal of its own.

The story revolved around people judging others. It was hard for people in Cold Sassy to see people for who they really were. One judgement of another person even led to suicide. "The theme of the story is when you are growing up, you will have problems among your family but the love is so great that you will get through them together.

The main lesson of the story is do not judge." Summary Two In Cold Sassy Tree, 14 year-old Will Tweedy, tells the story of his life growing up in the small southern town of Cold Sassy. He tells all about Grandpa Blakeslee's marriage to "striking and stubborn" Miss Love Simpson. Will, unlike all the rest of the town, was not two-faced, he understood why Grandpa Blakeslee married Miss Love only three weeks after his first wife (Mrs. Mattie Lou) died of a bad illness. He went through a lot of hard times such as many deaths and misfortunate happenings. He never really seemed to be happy, but he always looked on the bright side of things to make his family and friends happy.