The Awakening: An Analysis

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2002

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In great works of literature, it is said that nothing is ever an accident. Every character, situation, and word is either a conscious or unconscious manifestation of the author's mind. Keeping this in mind, the reader is able to conjecture the author's stance on morality, the world, good and bad, and many other issues. on three of the most significant points made in the final paragraphs.) During her final swim to where "no woman had ever swam before", many things become apparent to Edna. In the final until this point, her decision to die is the ultimate defiance against a world where women are inhibited. Through her resolute action, she shows the reader her bravery and strength instead of the cowardice and weakness she sees in herself.

As Edna starts to not "understand" and would never do so. The fact that his goodbye is rooted in his love for Edna reveals that he believes she is not to be had by himof strength, she stops and looks into the distance, feeling a sudden rush of terror.

The fear she had about defying the world flamed up in her being once again. It was this fear that made her marry Léonce; it was this fear that made her want a "normal" life. Yet,ambitious life so abruptly, but it is even more tragic that Chopin does not let her see freedom in her lifetime. Although she does achieve freedom in death, most people do not see that as a logical way to achieve their own liberation. Edna's anachronous ideals do not mesh well with the time period and, as a result, she loses her unconventional self to the