Banzo's Hundred

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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The two stories chosen were both short stories with unknown authors and with constructive characters, "The Taste of Banzos' Sword", and "Hundred Question". Each character in these stories has their own weaknesses and strengths that are compared and contrasted.

In "The Taste of Banzos' Sword", the young man Matajuro's weaknesses were greatly numbered, he struggled with doing things too fast in order to try to complete things quick and stead fast, though he finished quickly he never got the job done right the first time. Matajuro was too mediocre to anticipate mastership in the art of swordsmanship, by being persistently eager in everything he does, he only hurt himself in the long run. Now in the same way, the Pandaras brothers from "Hundred Questions", lacked self-control when it came to rushing into things. There being five brothers, only weakened their ability to succeed through with things correctly, this being the fact if one fails they all follow.

Yudhistira, the eldest of the brothers, saw his brothers lacking in obedience and having trouble being impetuous in every action they followed through with.

Their strengths were only skin deep except for one of the brothers from "Hundred Questions", who was naturally strong and courageous. Matajuro was strong willed and persistent in always accomplishing his objectives, even though it might have taking him a couple tries to reach his goal. The Pandaras brothers had their own unique strengths, as of Matajuro, the four brothers besides Yudhistira, they all were willing to push their bodies to the limits to achieve there goals, all being as persistent as Matajuro. Yudhistira being a humble, noble character that took the precautions necessary to achieve the objective set before him, not as Matajuro had done.

Being a well-respected family, the Pandaras brothers lived a secluded life style in a forest that was comparable to the "Garden of Eden". Like the Pandaras brothers, Matajuro grew up in a home, which held a highly respected swordsman who was his father. Though Matajuro grew up in the art of samurai, the Pandaras brothers grew up in a prince's life style. All the characters in both stories, being the Pandaras brothers and Matajuro, all grew up in a well established home with well-respected parents.

Both these stories had their differences and similarities but both had their own unique way of teaching a lesson. The "Hundred Questions", taught to be attentive to your aim in any way of achieving your goal, just as "The Taste of Banzos' Sword" which taught to be attentive and patient.

At the end you realize the lessons learned in both stories. After following the story line, it showed the differences and similarities that were resolved in the end as all characters overcame their mistakes and learned from them.