Bear Bile

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorJunior High, 9th grade February 2008

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Why would you like to milk a bear for its bile without anaesthetic? Baby black bears are taken from their wild mothers and are made to perform. When they are adults they are sold to the bile farmers for $531 - 759 New Zealand dollars. There are 247 official bear farms across China. The farms have at least 7002 bears.

In china these bears are surgically mutilated and milked for their gall bile. An opening is surgically made through the abdominal area and into the gall bladder. A tube is then inserted to tap the bile or a steel stick is forced through the gall bladder so that the bile can run down into a basin below. This is all done without anaesthetic. The liver secretes bile. During feeding bile aids digestion.

Between 10 and 20ml of bile is tapped from each bear twice a day. As this is done after feeding the bears can't digest their food.

During these milking's the bears get very distressed.

Bear gall bile in China is supposed to have a medicinal value. Bear bile is supposed to reduce fever and inflammation, protect the liver, and improve eyesight and breakdown gallstones. Today bear bile is used as an ingredient of shampoo, wine, eye drops and ointments. In 1999 bear bile wine was even handed out as gifts for passengers off flights.

Animal Cruelty is a common happening around the world as in my example of bear bile milking.