Beijing Olympics-*speech*why the protesters should stop (research a current issue and present a speech on it, taking on a persona)

Essay by ryoutsuHigh School, 11th gradeA, September 2008

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Welcome ladies & gentlemen to this important night. My name is Michael Wu, and I am here to talk about the international issue of the boycott of the B/j O/g. I am sure that being the informed, up-to-date ppl that you are, you should be aware of the outrageous comments made by various influential figures regarding the 2008 B/j O/g. I am also sure that you are aware of the major disruptions made by violent protesters during the traditional and sacred torch relay. This worldwide bullying, shown towards this humble first time O/g host, enrages loyal supporters of the games.

These ppl should keep sport and politics as separate matters, as they should be. I just can’t see why it is so inconvenient to protest in front of the many Chinese embassies around the world. In fact, it would probably be much easier than to stalk an international event. The protestors caused this hassle in the first place, yet they complain about the countermeasures implemented.

The London 2012 O/g chairman, Lord Coe, even described the guards as thugs. Thus, this is why the flame needs to be protected from these vandals.

About this incident, British police reported that more than 1000 protesters tried to disrupt Sunday's proceedings, and 37 were arrested. One tried to grab the torch from a television presenter who was holding it, and some even tried to extinguish the flame. How is this right? Think of it this way. What if you were voted in for a leader in a club that you’re in? You then organise and carry out a tradition of the club, but the club members suddenly turn against you, and ruin all of your plans…Furthermore, they complain about the measures you put in place to let the plans run as smoothly as possible. This is the situation that China is in. No matter how much the protestors might hate to have China host the O/g, they are also represented by the O/g Committee. Moments after the O/g torch left the Eiffel Tower where it started the journey in France, protests forced the organisers to extinguish the torch and place the flame on the bus to keep it safe.

The torchbearers were taken on and off the bus at least four times, until the relay was finally cut short, skipping a ceremony in the Paris city hall. In this way, the protestors are the ones that are forcing China to protect the flame. They have no right to complain about the preventive actions taken.

Of course, I am not saying that the protesting is all wrong. It is true that there are some human rights issues in China that are yet to be resolved. However, isn’t it going too far when the protestors block the path of international event? Isn’t it stretching things too much when the protestors force torchbearers to extinguish the flame and take refuge?This is an international event, which China is hosting only for the occasion. It is just simply ironic that the world would vote for China, but choose to turn its back when the event is actually taking place. The decision was made by an informed and experienced committee, and protestors must respect that.

Even for the protestors, I am sure that ceasing the violent disruptions during the O/g ceremonies would make them seem much more diplomatic and peaceful. So why not lend China a hand, when they are taking this giant step out into the world. There is always time to persuade them calmly about the ongoing issue, but this is a rare chance for China. Let’s give them a chance at their debut on an international stage.

The reasons that I have stated are sufficient to soundly conclude that the B/j O/g should be welcomed with open arms. Instead of arrogantly and violently corrupting the ceremonies of the games, we must give China a chance. Boycotting the O/g will not free Tibet. Boycotting will not show what pro-Tibet protestors truly want to convey. We should use the O/g as a tool to give China some guidance, to give the nation a chance to fix the wrongs of the past. It is time for all of us to move on.
