For Better Or Worst

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate April 2001

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For Better or for Worse What do Jesus, Joseph I. Lieberman, George W. Bush, and Al Gore have in common? They all have and continue to be the talk of the nation. This all began when Republican Presidential candidate George W. Bush, commented that his favorite political philosopher was Jesus, "because he changed my heart." Democrat Presidential candidate Al Gore also voiced his religious faith by saying that when faced with tough decisions he asks himself, "What would Jesus Do?" This talk about religion in the campaign angers me because as Jesuit Father Raymond A. Schroth says in "Good reasons why Bradely won't talk religion" (National Catholic Reporter, January 14, 2000) "the problem is not that the issue of a candidate's religious belief has entered the campaign but that their real religious beliefs have not." I feel religion is a sacred issue that should not be abused like it is being done.

Lieberman, Bush, and Gore are using religion to avoid real issues and to gain votes based on morality. Speaking about the difference God and Jesus has made in their lives is fine, but Lieberman, Bush, and Gore should focus on what needs improvement in our nation instead. The book of Genesis (1-3) emphasizes God's sovereignty and institutes our responsibility as well as moral laws. This reading also shows how we are in seen in God's image and for this reason; we should respect everything about religion. God should not be brought down to human level. As Michael Novak says in "The Founders and the Torah, " (New York, September 4, 2000), "Americans should talk more about religion in public"¦.", but I feel there should be a limit on what is said because professing one's special religiosity excludes those who either profess another religion or don't profess any religion.

As a Catholic, I feel strong in my faith and am not embarrassed to express my feelings but I believe religion should not be a part of politics. As Cal Thomas said, "Better to allow God to instruct us directly, not though politicians who might be suspected of having an agenda."