Bibliographies and Autobiographies present people in different ways.

Essay by highsolzHigh School, 11th gradeB+, May 2008

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Such ways that often the question arises after reading the book, how can we tell if these stories are true? The truth is, we can’t. But if we were really interested and wanted to find some more information or, discover more truths, we could go and check out the sources from the biograpghies. That path usually leads to more sources, and then we might be abke to find some witness’ accounts. But how do we know if the witness account is objective or subjective and what agenda the witness may have in telling their side of the story. They may exaggerate some informarion to make themselves or the person sound better, they may even make up some new fact that was never known before. So who draws the fine line between truth and false? We cannot know.

Maybe it is a good thing that we cannot know the exact truth.

Then we would never have controversies. Controversies like the life and death of Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes.

Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes are two famous figureheads of the twentieth century. Plath was most famous for her powerful poetry and the controversy between her and Ted Hughes. Hughes was also famous for his poetry, although he is just as well known for being the husband of the suicidal Plath.

Plath’s story itself is not a happy one, with only rare moments of joy or happiness. Plath’s father died when she was only 8 years of age, and she claimed to always have had a bad relationship with her mother. Her semi-autobiographical book, The Bell Jar, is about a young woman’s trail that endend up in a nervous breakdown in 1950’s America, discusses this. The high points in Plaths life include winning thePullitzer Prize for poetry, and becoming a fullbright scholar, a very powerful award that is only awarded to the brightest of people. It is by winning these awards that she met Hughes, a recently awarded poet Laureate at Cambridge University, at a party to celebrate a new magazine based on Hughes and others poetry. Hughes was a well brought up English school kid, who at just a young age won Britains Poet Laureate, a highly prestigious award also. It is at this first meeting that their relationship blossomed into a happily ever after marriage. The only thing is, that didn’t last for long.

It is a well known fact among the Plath/Hughes cult that Plath idolized Hughes. Frieda Hughes stated in an interview that this may have been due to the fact that her father died when she was at such a young age, she looked at Hughes not only has a lover sonn to be husband, but as a father figure to herself. So what was Hughes really like? Was he this tough man that didn’t respectt Plath or her poetry? Was he the person that the feminists made him out to be? A misogynist? Even a Murderer?The truth is, we cant really know. In the Frieda Hughes interview, Hughes is defending her father. –Quuote—Still, we cannot really determine the ruth. Ted Hughes may have acted differently around his Children to his Wife. The only way we an get a reall picture of Hughes is to put together ht efacts that we know. Hughes was like a rockstar in the poet world. After winning his prestigious award, his name was really put out there, and he became a household name. He mixed with the high social class and used his poetry to express it. He fitted in well. He had women from all ages looking towards him. He was God.

He lived happily for several years with Plath. He was her comtemporary and according to the article of his daughter,Frieda, Hughes helped Plath edit and refine her poems.

So now we have a good idea on what Hughes was like, we have to consider what Plath was like? Were they a good match? Sylvia had a long pychiatric history. She was depressed for the majority of her lifetime and was taking anti-depressants.

At the time of her death, she was writing her most famous poems, such as a week before her death, she wrote the poem Edge, a poem about the accomplishments of a dead woman. Her resentment of not being able to fulfill her work; her fantatic skill, was strong. Her ability to cope as a mother kept fading away, her break up tore her apart, her self cofindence as a woman was a losing battle, her life was in her eyes, leaving her.Sylvia Plath tradigally killed herself on Febrauary 11, 1963In the 60’s the feminist’s movement were strong. They displayed Plath as a maytyr, a true hero in theor eyes, only to be destroyed by Hughes. Was Hughes’ actions responsible for Plath’s death? Frieda Hughes claims that ‘ Hughes dodnt leave, Plath asked him to leave.’ Personally, I think that Hughes was not responsible for her death. He may have added to the pile of reasons and sure, it was a big part of the pile, but she was a victim. A victim of this terrible disease.

Across the other side of the world, Che Guevara was also doing a job that would make him famous for the rest of his life. He was the leader of Cuba, and had just revolutionized Cuba against the Batista regime.

Che Guevara is a well known revolutionist of the 1960’s. If you have never heard the name, you would have almost definitely seen his famous picture, (show picture on slideshow).

Che Guevara in a nutshell:•Was born on 14 May 1928 in Argentina•AS he was growing up, he was always interested in the world around him•He took a large motorcycle oddesey around South America from 1952-1954•Met and befriended Fidel Castro in 1955•Decided to help in the revolution of Cuba in 1956•Becomes Minister for Industry in Cuba in 1961•Falls out with the Soviets and the USA•Had a communistic view of Cuba with a capitalist leaning•Created infrastructures and sustainable living in Cuba•Regarded as a hero to the Cuban People•Became a threat to governments around South America as a revolutionist•Kidnapped and later killed by Bolivian armed forces while trying to revolutionize Bolivia.

The biograpghy, Che Guevara, by David Downing explores Che’s life in detail. The book presents Che as an optimist, who strives for a better world and sometimes in the form of violence, if a government needs to be taken over. He compares Che with other leading figureheads of the twentieth century, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., in that they both had the same outlooks, the same belif that social harmony could be achieved. Che’s point in life was to help others that were less fortunate than himself, and he lived passionately towards his point.

The biographyh is writte I a ocumetary style form , which gies more eice that it is true A timelie is also iclue with other famous people that were iole with his life are gig irect quotes about Che a his lifeJust like Sylvia Plath and Td Hughes, Che Guevara has had countless biographies written about him. Interestis is still at a peak especially this year as it is the 40th anniversary of his death.

At the time of Che Guevara’s death, he was such a wanted man that many countries around Bolivia didn’t believe that they had found and kidnapped him. The Bolivian government didn’t know how else to prove it other than showing his dead body in public. There is a famous photo of this, that is also found in the biograpghy (show photo on slideshow) that shows how true and real Che Guevara actually was. The Bolivian forces invted American and the Soviets to come and have a look for themselves and they created a spectacle of Che. A spectacle like that these dys is unheard of, but at the same time it did evoke the beginning of the image of him as a martyr.