Birth Parents Rights After Adoption

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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There are millions of babies put up for adoption every year. The reasons can range from teen pregnancy to a drug-abusing woman that just doesn't care. There are many couples that work very hard to adopt these children. The most common reason is they are not fortunate enough to conceive on their own. The birth parents chose to give up their rights when the adoption was finalized, for whatever reason. The birth parents reclaiming a child after adoption not only destroy the life of the child, but also the lives of the adoptive parents.

Because the biological parents gave birth to and have the same blood type does not make them the true parents. The parents are the one who actually raised him and cared for him; the one who nurtured and loved him unconditionally. When a child is adopted, the adoptive parents are the only parents he really knows.

If the birth parents were to reclaim the child, the child would be forced to live with complete strangers. It would mess with him emotionally and mentally. Because the child is ripped away from the only people he knows to be his parents could be psychologically damaging to the child. It would be completely devastating to the adoptive parents, because they would be losing the child they chose to be their own. They were there for his first word, first birthday, first step, first fall, first hair cut, and first of everything. They would be losing a part of themselves.

Since the biological parents care about the child enough to get him back, then they should care enough to consider whether it is in the best interest for the child to be taken away from the only people that he knows to be his family. Children need stability and security. It is a very crucial part of their development and well being at an early age. Children need a nurturing environment; unresolved and lengthy court proceedings are not in children's best interest. Instead of trying to take the child back, they should consider discussing visitation rights with the adoptive parents. They can become a part of the child's life without having to completely change and destroy the child's life.

Certainly, if the child has only been released for adoption, but has not been adopted by someone, then the parents should have every right to reclaim their rights. For the child's sake, they should be given the privilege of spending the rest of their life with their birth parents. In this case, the child has not had time to develop a relationship with any other families, and he should have every chance to be with and bond with his birth parents. Once the child has been adopted out and has become attached to the adoptive parents, then having the birth parents reclaim him would completely disrupt his life. It would not be beneficial to the child after the adoption has been finalized and he has shared a bond with his adoptive parents.

In conclusion, the birth parents chose to give up their child for adoption, so they should not be allowed to reclaim those rights just because they think they are ready now. The well being of the child should be the first and foremost thing considered. The child should be able to stay with the parents he knows. The one who raised him, cared for him, and chose him.