Black Death

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade November 2001

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"BLACK DEATH" VIDEO 1. Why did the plague spread so quickly in Europe? It was carried in the blood stream of rats and the flee that feed off of them. These rats that traveled everywhere carried it. Infected Corpses were sent through catapult into the city of Cather in which causing the plague to infest waters and air. The merchants that escaped loaded ships and found the Port of Messina in which the rats excited the ships and went into Europe. Ships and Cargo helped spread the disease very easily.

2. Why did many people believe that god had sent the plague? Churches were centers in which people turned to for help when the disease was spreading. People thought that god had made it, cause if it existed God wanted it to exist. People believed that this was the end of the world and that God wanted them to die.

A priest named Michael continued to pray for the dead.

3. How did the plague change people's attitude about he church? Churches were centers in which people turned to for help when the disease was spreading. Pope believed that god had inflicted this. Some people felt that self-inflected pain would have god lift the plague from them. Jews were said to have infected the drinking water this way they were massacred. The pope sent letters order the flatulence to stop.

4. How did the shortage of labor change feudal society? Shortage of labor shifted the balance of power. Authority was being questioned.