Black Plauge

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate November 2001

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Black Plague In the Black Death, people faced a disaster they could not comprehend or fight against. A catastrophe this great created problems for every system and facet of society.

Perhaps the population wanted something cost effective, in which the government would not, or could not provide. There was no stopping this disease that in turn created great chaos for the political system.

The Economic system was greatly affected. As a consequence of the previously destructive famine and tremendous rise in Europe's population, food and labor were unavailable to the public. This resulted with vulnerability to the disease. Farms were rapidly disappearing which resulted in a shortage of exports. With the disease lurking on the trade routes, and within boats, it was not surprising that the goods never reached their destination.

Because of the rapid occurrence of death, the social system may have provided low cost housing, medical care, and financial aid.

However, the ignorance of this disease caused a split among the communities, not many were around to aid the sick.

Services from the church were in demand. Requests multiplied as treating the sick was in great need. The church suffered its losses, but also gained revenue from the religious services asked for the dead and the dying.

Family and cultural life were terribly disturbed. As families were torn apart by death and relocation, cultural aspects disintegrated also. This disease was a blanket of depression. Death caused gloom, doom, and stole the motivation to recover.

The Black Plague destroyed towns and lives; however, Europe managed to recover.