
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate August 2001

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LEARN GIBBERISH Hi! Here you can learn to speak a cool language called gibberish! you can talk to your friends secretly with this language and other ppl wont know what you are talking about lol! its very usful if you wanna say something you dont want anyone else to hear... Well have fun and the directions to speak gibberish below! Ok here are the steps to speak gibbertish words that only have one sylable...

ok, say you wanna say the word "dog" which is one sylable first, you take the first letter of "dog" and add "ither"at the end.

example:: "gog" Your result is "dithergog" Now to say gibberish words that have 2 sylables...

Say you wanna say the word "flower" which is two sylables First, take the first letter of "flower" and add "ither" after it example:: "fither" second, take the rest of the letters after "f" and before you say the rest, you put a "g" sound in front of it.

example:: "glow" you now have the first sylable of flower done which is "fitherglow" now you hafta do the next sylable of it...

now for the next sylable do the same thing you did with the first, only eith the letters of the second sylable your result would be "witherger" your final result for "flower" would be.... "fitherglow-witherger" For words with more than 2 sylables, just follow the steps in the 1 sylable one, but for each sylable add the step....

one more thing an improtant rule!! if the word you wanna say starts with a vowel, put the vowel latter in place of the "i" in the "ither" example:: you wanna say "out", so you'd say "othergout" example 2:: you wanna say "umbrella", you'd say "uthergum-bithergre-litherga" Examples of other words to help ya understand....

one sylable cat=cithergat plow=pitherglow fall=fithergall two sylable words printer=pithergrin-titherger dollie=dithergoll-ithergie racecar=rithergace-cithergar more than 2 sylable words computer=cithergom-pithergu-titherger piano=pithergi-athergan-othergo I hope you learned how to speak this language it takes some practice but it is pretty cool!