Bob's Lake Or Grand Pond?

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate August 2001

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Bob's Lake or Grand Pond? Who has ever said, "I'm going to the lake" when they were actually going to a pond? Or who has said, "I'm going to the pond" when they were actually going to a lake? Those of us who have made this mistake do not take the time to actually think of where we are going. We just figure that because they are both bodies of water, they have marine life and a person can drown in them that they are one in the same. Although these are similarities between ponds and lakes, the differences are just too great to be ignored! The most distinct difference that comes to mind is the way that each are named. Most ponds do not have a single or permanent name. For example; when you are telling a buddy where a good fishing hole is it probably would describe it as "the farm pond over yonder by "˜ole John-Bob's ranch."

From that description he would probably know exactly what and where you are talking about. Now, if someone said "that one body of water that splits Michigan in two parts" to describe Lake Michigan, they would probably get laughed at Or how about having a water skiing competition on that very same farm pond. Completing the runs would be difficult. The commentary from the announcer would be quite ludicrous: "Here comes Johnny Flash around the last slalom pole. Oh"¦he couldn't quite make the turn and is sent over the bank and into farmer Bob's pig pen!" Now as interesting as that would be, I do not think the sport of water skiing would be nearly as popular as it is now. On the other hand, in a lake there is sufficient water for skiing without worrying about hitting land or a cow wading in the water.

So as shown, size is just another difference that just can not be overlooked. This is also a part of the final difference between ponds and lakes! Those of us that are avid fisherman or occasionally toss our line into the water are familiar with "fishy" stories. We have heard the legends of "the ones that got away," like the fifty pound catfish that have been living in the ponds for one hundred years. Although they are large fish, it is doubtful that the "monsters" have ever been responsible for human fatalities. Of course not! But what about the fifty-ton dinosaurs that have been dwelling in the icy depths of lakes for hundreds of millions of years? The ones that movies are made about, like Nessi or Lake Placid? Those great monsters are responsible for dozens of fatalities each year.

So, yes, ponds and lakes are similar in that they are bodies of water, they have marine life and a person can drown in them both. However, a person had better know to which they are going before they give directions to it, before they go water skiing, or before they decide to go for a swim. Otherwise, someone might find themselves being laughed at, spending time with farmer Bob's pigs, or becoming lunch for a prehistoric monsters