Body Language         Communication involves more than just works. How we

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Body Language Communication involves more than just works. How we dress, how we move our heads, what posture we take, all give a message to anyone listening.

These non-verbal actions consist of things such as facial expressions, posture, tone and pitch of voice, rate of speech, clothing and the use of physical space.

Example: a wink, a hug, a scowl, crossing arms… People have a tendency to believe these more readily then they do our verbal messages perhaps because they are less conscious and less subject to control.

Body language can also be easily misinterpreted. Is looking away a sign of disinterest or shyness? Touching can also be misinterpreted since it is a relative to cultures, circumstances, etc, Guidelines for Listening 1. Hold your tongue (keep quiet) and be attentive 2. Convey an open spirit in your body language 3. Stay in eye contact 4. Avoid assuming anything about what the other person will say 5.

Give signals that you are listening 6. Help by summarizing occasionally 7. Ask clarifying questions 8. Check your perception of the speakers body language 9. Let the person know if you cannot listen at the time.

Autonomy Identity and autonomy correlate each other to give you a strong sense of identity and helps you become autonomous. An autonomous person understands that he or she is independent and interdependent. These are the two types of false autonomy: Two Types of False Autonomy 1. GROUP THINK â€" In the transitional period when people make a sharp turn from their parents. They adopt the practices of a different group (ex. Cult). In this form they trade from one dependency for another 2. JAIL-BREAK MARRIAGE â€" In the desire to be free from their own family; some people contract into another family.

i.e they get married without the necessary maturity and skills to make it work.

Identity 1. Who you are.

2. It’s a combination of: -personality traits -ability -strength -weaknesses -interests -values FACTORS out of our CONTROL help shape our IDENTITY include: 1. Cosmic: your birth and God 2. Genetic: genes have a strong influence on who you are 3. Cultural: no control over culture you were raised in 4. Circumstances: major historical events, accidents, chance meetings Factors Which Affect Our Perception 1. First Impressions: first impressions often have a powerful influence on how we perceive (see) people and events. They often determine the way we think or behave in a certain situation.

2. Perceiver’s Role (personality): our personalities contribute to our expectations in life; our understanding of things, events and people, and our reactions to these situations. Ex. A person who thinks they are stupid will approach a difficult class differently from someone who doesn’t think of him or herself that way.

3. Life Experiences: these experiences teach us how to think and act towards people and events.

4. Object of Perception: some things in our environment attract our attention. Ex. Walk into a room and notice a beautiful person and not notice what the room looks like. Ex. Notice a moving car in a parking lot, but not the parked ones.

5. Background and Surroundings: dancing under a full moon may be less difficult than dancing in the daylight in terms of romance.

6. Selective Memory: we choose to remember certain things and block out others that we find unpleasant.

Body Image Eight Stages of Life Psychologists who have studied human development have outlined the STAGES of a person’s life and growth in a variety of ways.

Eight stages with transitions.

A typical outline of how a human life develops includes 8 stages.

1. infancy (trust) 2. early childhood (in(dependence) 3. play age 4. school age 5. adolescence 6. young adulthood 7. adulthood 8. mature adulthood Transitional Period (17-22) TRANSITION: to go across, to pass. It implies a certain degree of danger, but also opportunity.

Reactions to TRANSITION: denial, anger, frustrations, depression, emotional turmoil, wishes to be free and safe at once, eventually acceptance.

11 Developmental Tasks of the Transitional Period (17-22) 1. Shaping- who am I? What sense do I have of myself? 2. Becoming autonomous: to become more independent physically, financially, intellectually, emotionally.

3. Constructing and living out a value system: childhood values directed by parents, school. Church is challenged to direct their own lives using their own values.

4. Being capable of a loving commitment: slow in their ability to sustain and commit themselves to a stable loving relationship with the person.

5. Reflecting on religion: many reject religious practices that have been part of their lives. Must make a personal search for a religious practice that expresses their faith.

6. Making friends and living with intimacy: wide range of emotional and intellectual experiences to share.

7. Integrating sexuality: developing a set of values to guide sexual expression and appreciate the role of sex in life.

8. Gaining competence: in intellectual, physical, relational skills.

9. Selecting a career and taking an adult job: preparing for a career, developing structured career skills.

10. Using leisure time for renewal: need to determine how to use leisure time in the best way for them.

11. Taking part in the broader community: at 18 can vote> influence local, provincial and national politics>question their role in the world community.