Boys And Their Toys

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2002

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Looking around a high school parking lot, a person can find just about ever type of car. They could also tell that every automobile there has its own idiosyncrasies that make it someone's baby, especially cars that are owned by males. Stickers, chrome bumpers, and mud on the side panels are all things that are reflected by a guy's personality. Every person has a different personality and in my experience every car-owning high school boy has a car to fit his personality. It has been my experience that there are a few different genres of high school guys and their cars that sum up the male population.

Students whose families have an enormous amount of wealth tend to take things for granted, even very expensive things. Take Joel for example. A person can almost smell money when he strides by. He walks into school with his D & G backpack and leather shoes every morning right before the bell rings.

He does this with what he likes to call "a lot of confidence". I once tried to start a conversation with him about where he was from but it was a vain effort. He did me the favor of listening to my question and then pretending that he hadn't heard a word I had said. If Joel were half a deep as his pockets then he would have had something going for him. Unfortunately, his intellectual capacity does not surpass that of a puddle. The car that he has is not the envy of every other student because they hear him brag about it all the time. He even drives with a strut, the same one that he has in the halls. He once indulged me in a tragic story about how he had gotten a flat tire one night and had to call triple A. After later inquiries on my behalf I found out that dirt was the reason that he did not do it himself.

Maintenance is never a problem for William because he does not bother with it. His car is not expensive or necessarily fast but it has the loudest stereo system in the school. Covered in a bilayer of stickers and mud is how Will likes to cruise down main street. In his opinion, there isn't anywhere that his car wouldn't go. He once told me his motto "Drive fast or die fast" which pretty much summed up his personality. Every day was an excuse to party and he did. Regular occasions of throwing rocks at school windows and putting cocking in police car doors landed Will in trouble most of the time. William liked to have fun with people as well as with his car. His reckless personality was directly shown through his driving and the way he treated his car. He never had a girlfriend for more than two weeks because there was never any sacrifice on his behalf and he never paid enough attention to them. There was always something to fix on Will's car so he did no even bother with it.

Some boys believe that school comes second to their cars. The cars that these boys drive are more or less their appendages. Every piece on their cars are aftermarket trinkets that were bought to impress fellow peers. Nathan was a perfect example of this. Nate bought his own car from a used car lot with money he had worked for. He added all of the improvements wanted to the car such as a stereo system, chrome lights, new tires and rimes and a new paint job. He knew a lot of people, but he wasn't the kind of guy that hung out with friends. Instead he chose his car. The A's and B's he received in school showed that he was a diligent person. He could relate anything he learned in his History class to an accessory in a Chevy truck. Fixing something on his car was easy for him as long as the problem did not lie under the hood.

Pat is a straight A student and a good friend of mine. He starts his day at six a.m. every morning and never five minutes after. He arrives at school a half an hour early so that he doesn't blemish his perfect attendance record. He always parks in the same spot because change is a bad thing in Pat's world. His homework is always done which can be attributed to the fact that he says he has no time for friends. Cleanliness was the first thing I noticed about Pat's 1993 Toyota Celica. It smelled of vanilla because of the freshener that sat on the dash next to the oil change sticker. Pat paid for half of his car; his parents paid for the rest. Maintenance was never an ongoing issue because of all the three thousand mile check-ups Pat deemed mandatory.

Under this idea that high school boy's personalities reflect what cars they drive and how they are treated, it would mean that a boy with no personality would not own a car. I used to know a non-exciting kid named Paul. Video games are the monster that consumes him every free second. I read an essay one time about what was suppose to be his interests, yet I concluded that the essay ultimately jumped around the issue. The fact of the matter was that he did not really know what he liked or didn't. He always wore a bright green turtle neck to school even in the summer and never brushed his hair. Transportation always seemed to be a problem because he couldn't walk long distances without fatigue. He hadn't thought about buying a car because he never really wanted to leave his home except for school. The only time that I saw him excited was when he found out that new Star Wars movies were coming out. That was a plausible reason for having a fit of excitement, but not for two consecutive weeks. After spending some time with Paul I concluded that he had no personality and, consequently, would probably never own a car.

I do not think that this theory is true for every high school boy. Money is always a factor when purchasing a car but it usually does not dissuade students from choosing a car that fits them. If a person is like Will then it doe not matter whether or not the car is worth five or fifty thousand, his thrasher instincts will inevitably take over and the car will became junk. If a person has a personality like Pat then, nice or not so nice, the car will always be in good condition and smell of vanilla. Boys love their toys, just sometimes in different ways as a bi product of their personality.