Breaking Up

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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Briana says: so im a bitch now hey A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: well what he fuck A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: i talk to you like a normal person and you think im being mean? A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: what right do you have to call me mean? A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: you have any right to call me mean A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: im just really fucking tired of this shit about you always telling me to go away and im being meand fuck off and shit A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: like if you really dont wanna talk to me then say so A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: i wont waste my fucking time anymore Briana says: thio i do still wanna talk with u but see u don't trust me anymore and everything i tell u, u go and tell everyone else,ummmm what else im still not completly over u A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC

says: why should i trust you? A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: give me one reason? Briana says: i know that but i fucked up like once A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: well once could mean life or death A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: like a few days ago i wasent over you either thats why me and manda didnt work out, but like right now im so totally over you its not even funny A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: i dont trust you and barely have respect for you A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: im still desiding if i should still try and stay your friend Briana says: ur desiding Briana says: what a prick u r A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: well when you treat me like shit and i try to talk to you and you call me mean n shit why should i stay friends with you? A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: i honestly dont deserve any of this shit A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: none A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: you can ask anyone if i deserved you cheating on me A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: they will say i didnt A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: so like what do you have to say to that? A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: like im sure you feel bad about what you did but how the hell do you think i feel? A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: i felt so low and embarassed because to have my gf go and cheat on me with some gay ass dancing guy thats just total disrespect Briana says: k listen i know that was the most fucked up thing i pretty much have ever done and i know that, but i feel horrible for that A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: well you can feel horriable all you want its not gonna change anything Briana says: thio it ment NOTHING A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: maybe to you A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: but to me it hurt A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: i loved you briana A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: and you shot me down A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: you crushed me A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: i just hope you dont do the same to anyone else Briana says: thio i wouldn Briana says: wouldn't A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: then why did you do it to me? A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: i thought i was the best bf you have ever had A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: but i guess i wasent goo enough Briana says: thio u were the best Briana says: i just screwed up A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: im like so fucking pissed off right now i cant even type good A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: you wouldnt have screwed up if you didnt do anything with him that night at all! A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: you could have controlled yourself Briana says: i know that A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: you know how many times i could have cheated on you but i didnt? Briana says: u don't understand A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: so many times i cant even count A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: why dont i understand A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: explain it to me Briana says: because u don't know me, u don't even know what im like, all u ever saw was the blonde chick at school u never saw what i was like out of school A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: you know why i never saw the girl you were outside of school? cause you never did anything with me Briana says: that wasn't my fault most of the time A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: like im sure you have dancing and crap but you dont have that 24/7 Briana says: my priorties come before alot of other things A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: look at all the times you could have did something with me but you did something with your dancing friends which you see more then other people A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: im sure they do Briana says: well what was i supposed to do A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: just say you had other plans A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: its not hard A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: i have done it A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: most people have Briana says: ya oh well A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: yeah oh well then A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: if your too busy then you shouldnt date at all A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: cause your just gonna do the same to them and this is gonna end up happening all over again A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: and your gonna take it really hard because the guy is gonna bitch you out and tell you everything he feels A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: like you have no idea how much i wanted to tell you this shit A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: no idea A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: but i didnt say anything cause i still wanted to be friends with you Briana says: well u know what i learned never ever get serious with a guy at this age A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: its not about getting serious with anyone A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: its about making time A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: thats the whole point A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: the only reason you cheated is because you were doing something me with me Briana says: no that wasn';t the reason at all A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: then why did you do it? Briana says: there r some things that u would never understand about me and this is one of them A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: why wouldnt i uderstand them? Briana says: just because A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: thats bullshit i dont believe that crap cause i could have said there are reasons why i act differently around my g/f's A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: you may have your reasons but how do you know im not gonna understand them? Briana says: because noone understands me A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: then how do you understand yourself? A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: and have you met everyone in the world? Briana says: whatever thio i gtg A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: dont whatever me please A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: im not in the mood to be talked to like that A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: im really pissed Briana says: no because i don't need this bullshit right now from u A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: dont even start with bullshit A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: cause i will let you have some that you gave me A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: oh and dont try and get ryan on your side and stick up for you cause he aint takin sides Briana says: u know what ur an ass and u will always be an ass A Thug Aint A Thug Without a Girl.....AC says: your a slut and you will always be a slut Briana says: fuck u o.k