
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate April 2001

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Julius Caesar-Vocabulary 1. Plague (noun)- a serious disease The plague spread rapidly through the country.

2. Exalted (verb)- to praise (someone) a lot, or to raise (someone) to a higher rank or more powerful position.

He exalted him to get his help.

3. Servile (adj.)- too eager to serve and please someone else in a way that shows a lack of respect for yourself As a waiter you want to be pleasant to people and tend to their needs without appearing totally servile.

4. Countenance (noun)- the appearance or expression of someone's face He was of noble countenance.

5. Vexed (verb)- to cause difficulty to (someone), or to cause (someone) to feel angry, annoyed or upset I've been vexed by this problem for weeks.

6. Fawn (verb)- to praise too much and give a lot of attention which is not sincere to someone, esp. in order to get a positive reaction.

The reporters all fawn upon her like she's some sort of queen.

7. Buffet (verb)- to hit (something) repeatedly and with great force The little boat was buffeted mercilessly by the ocean waves.

8. Sinews (noun)- a strong cord in the body connecting a muscle to a bone Muscles need strong sinews to work effectively.

9. Entreat (verb)- a serious and sincere attempt to persuade someone to do or not to do something We would spend every mealtime entreating the child to eat her vegetables.

10. Wrought (verb)- made or done in a careful or decorative way The new album contains some carefully-wrought new songs and a number of familiar hits.

11. Seduced (verb)- to cause (someone) to do something that they would not usually consider doing by being very attractive and difficult to refuse Don't be seduced by the low price - the more expensive one is much better.

12. Construe (verb)-to understand the meaning, esp. of other people's actions and statements, in a particular way He construed her blank stare as boredom and stopped telling her about his new car.

13. Infused (verb)- to fill (someone or something) with (an emotion or quality) The pulling down of the Berlin Wall infused the world with optimism.

14. Redress (verb)- (to put right a wrong or give) payment for a wrong that has been done Her employers redressed her grievances by increasing her salary.

15. Bestow (verb)- to give (something) as an honor or present The University was bestowed upon her in 1992.

16. Augmented (verb)- to make (something) bigger or more complete by adding something to it With the birth of his third son, he found it necessary to do something to augment his income.

17. Extremities (adj.)- very great An extreme sport is a sport that is extremely dangerous and exciting.

18. Instigation (noun)- to cause (an event or situation) to happen by making a set of actions or a formal process begin We are asking the government to instigation new laws on fighting dogs.

19. Interim (adj.)- temporary; intended for a short period only They're renting a flat as an interim measure until they are able to buy a house.

20. Insurrection (noun)- an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat the government or the person who is in power and take control of the country, usually by violence Guards were moving down from the North to crush the insurrection.

21. Visage (noun)- the face Beneath a cloud was the moon's pale visage.

22. Affability (noun)- friendly, kind, relaxed and easy to talk to He was relaxed and affability at Derrick's party.

23. Interpose (verb)- to interrupt; to speak while someone else is speaking "I can't agree with you, Mr. John," he interposed.

24. Hew (verb)- to cut (a large piece) out of rock, stone or another hard material in a rough way The monument was hewn out of the side of a mountain.

25. Chide (verb)- to speak (to someone) severely because they have behaved badly She chided him for his bad manners.

26. Disperse (verb)- to (cause to) scatter or move away over a large area When the rain came down the crowds started to disperse.

27. Prevailed (verb)- to exist and be accepted among a large number of people, or to get a position of control and influence This is a strange custom that still prevails.

28. Dank (adj.)- (esp. of buildings and air) wet, cold and unpleasant For years they have had to live in a dank, dark basement flat with peeling walls and a dripping tap.

29. Commended (verb)- to formally praise (someone or something) The judge commended her for/on her bravery.

30. Incorporate (verb)- to include (something) in something larger Suggestions from the survey have been incorporated into/in the final design.

31. Appertain (verb)- to be connected to or belong to, esp. in an official way She enjoyed the privileges appertaining to the office of chairman.

32. Portents (verb)- to be a sign that (esp. something bad) is likely to happen in the future Is it true that cows lying down in a field are a portent of rain? 33. Imminent (adj.)- (esp. of something unpleasant) likely to happen very soon The Prime Minister has strenuously denied reports that a general election is imminent.

34. Rendered (verb)- to give (something, esp. a performance of a song, poem etc.) The singers rendered the song with enthusiasm.

35. Revels (verb)- to dance, drink, sing, etc. at a party or in public, esp. in a noisy way They reveled all day and all night after their exams.

36. Apprehensive (adj.)- anxiety about the future; fear that something unpleasant is going to happen I'm very apprehensive about tomorrow's meeting.

37. Unassailable (adj.)- unable to attack The defense is so high that we are unassailable into the entrance.

38. Abridged (verb)- to make (a book, speech, article, etc.) shorter He's currently abridging his book so that it can be made into a film.

39. Prostrate (adj.)- lying with the face down and arms stretched out, esp. in obedience or worship She lay prostrate on the cold chapel floor while the other nuns sat in silence.

40. Malice (noun)- the wish to harm other people Killing her dog was an act of sheer malice.

41. Appeased (verb)- (in arguments or war) to prevent further disagreement by giving to (the other side) an advantage that they have demanded She claimed that the government had only changed the law in order to appease their critics.

42. Discourse (noun)- communication in speech or writing Voters in three states were given the opportunity to make English the language of official discourse in those states.

43. Legacy (noun)- money, possessions etc. which you agree to give to another person when you die, or fig. something that is a part of your history or which stays from an earlier time An elderly cousin had left her a small legacy.

44. Mantle (noun)- the responsibilities of an important position or job, esp. as given from the person who had the job to the person who replaces them She unsuccessfully attempted to assume the mantle of presidency.