How to build a pond

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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A successfully built pond provides a feeling of restfulness in an area of interest. And always draws a viewers attention.

Creating an artificial water feature that looks like it has always been there can be a challenge. The surrounding should be carefully examined. Since water always sinks to the lowest part of a landscape it would look unnatural to have it in a slope or have it burrowed into the top of a ridge or knoll.

Materials that match those found naturally on the site should be used in the construction. The edge of a natural pond is much like the surrounding ground. If there is no rock in the setting, there is usually no rock at the edge of the pond. The way the land is shaped around a natural pond is also usually similar to the surrounding landscape. Sudden changes will look and feel forced. Simple shape pond shapes are best.

Sharp curved edges or too many curves look artificial.

Choose plants for the pond and its surroundings that make the pond look genuine. Plants at the water's edge are usually different from those found on the surroundings higher ground. Especially reminiscent of natural ponds are large plant's that leaves overhanging the water's edge, and plants with long thin, grassy foliage that grows in the shallows. These will all help to cover the water edge, which is almost never seen in a natural pond. Most nurseries sell aquatic plants. A pond that is meant to look natural requires much less maintenance than a formal pool, were clean, clear water is generally preferred. If the site has a low area, a pond is a good choice in almost any climate. Natural ponds will also suit almost any architecture, but they are not often effective on small site, particularly urban houses were a more formal water feature would look more appropriate.