
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 12th grade April 2001

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100 BC - Caesar is born into an upper-class Roman family head by his father, Gaius Julius Caesar, who names the boy after himself.

75 BC - Caesar is captured by pirates near the Greek island of Rhodes; after paying a ransom to gain his freedom, he returns with troops, captures the pirates, and eventually executes them.

69 BC - Caesar attains the post of quaestor, or financial administrator, in which capacity he serves for a year in Spain.

60 BC - To oppose the Senate and gain power Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey form an alliance later referred to as the first triumvirate; Caesar wins the consulship for the following year.

58 BC - Caesar assumes his proconsul ship, or governorship, of the province of Narbonese Gaul, what is now southern France; he attacks and defeats the Helvetii tribe in central Gaul.

55-54 BC - Caesar leads two brief and largely indecisive expeditions across the English Channel in to southern England.

50 BC - The Roman Senate calls for Caesar to surrender command of his army.

48 BC - Caesar delivers Pompey a shatter defeat at Pharsalus, in east-central Greece; Pompey flees to Egypt, where the local ruler, Ptolemy, has him murdered; Caesar meets Cleopatra, Ptolemy's sister, and backs her in a civil war against her brother.

44 BC - Caesar becomes dictator for life; a group of his enemies murders him in the Senate on the 15h, the Ides of March; the conspirator flee Italy.

43 BC - Caesar's immediate successors, Mark Antony, Marcus Lepidus, and Caesar's adopted son Octavian, from the Second Triumvirate.