How Can I Put Christ In My Life?

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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"How I Can Make Christ A Bigger Part Of My Life?" There are many ways I can make Christ a bigger part of my life. I can go to church two times a week, or I can read the scriptures and readings before mass so I can understand them better in church.

I think I should know more about Christ and make Him a bigger part of my life. I will take a religion class and learn more about Christ. I can teach other people about Christ, and acting like Him would certainly make Christ a bigger part of my life. Maybe if I become a priest other people will teach me more and I will understand more. I understand that to make Christ a bigger part of my life I should commit more. I should pray the Rosary twice a week . I should make Christ a bigger part of my life no matter what, because that is the main thing here on earth.

There is also one other way I can make Christ a bigger part of my life, W.W.J.D = "What would Jesus do?" If I'm in some kind of trouble, all I have to do is think about what would Jesus do. I could try to act like Christ in every way. It would be like having Christ here on Earth; not really, but I could certainly try. That would definitely add Christ to my life.

W.W.J.D. can mean other things, too, like "Walk With Jesus Daily". It doesn't mean walk with Jesus physically, but pray and talk to Him daily. I should have lots of Christ in my life, because if we don't have Christ in our lives we might end up going to the devil. Whoever you are, wherever you are, you should have Christ in your life.