Candide, Evaluation Of Ending

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 12th grade August 2001

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The ending of Candide was very different compared to the other fates that Candide had came across in the earlier parts of the book. I never expected Candide to find his love Cunegonde or his teacher Pangloss. It seems pretty unrealistic that Candide buys a farm in Turkey and retires there with his new wife Cunegonde, Pangloss, and the old woman. Candide searches for his love endlessly until he finds her where she is an ugly slave. He lives up to his promise of intending to marry her despite her appearance. It is easy to see that this story is a satire because of the way that people reappear in the story despite their previous fates of death or injury.

In the beginning of the novel, Candide first accepts the highly optimistic teachings of Pangloss. However, once Candide believes that his teacher is dead, he is on his own to formulate his own opinions and views about the world through his adventures.

Throughout these adventures, Candide sees that the philosophy of Pangloss is not adding up. Even though it takes him a while to question the authority of Pangloss, Candide slowly shies away from the theory that whatever events happen are for the best.