Was Carl Matt the only character that changes in the novel'A Bridge to Wiseman's Cove, by James Moloney?

Essay by dr molbrayJunior High, 8th gradeD-, July 2008

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In the novel “A Bridge to Wiseman’s cove”, by James Moloney, Carl Matt the main character, is not the only person that changes. Skip Duncan owns a barge in Wattle Beach and he too changed. Carl and Skip have started off as feeling upset and angry with the events that happened in there lives.

Carl starts off being a chubby, shy teenager that learns how to open up and trust people. “Aunt Beryl bought Carl 2 Hendon High school shirts in the largest size available.” (Page 49) Carl’s life was a series of sad disappointments when Sarah and his mother (Kerry) left him and his little brother Harley. Carl’s dad (Gallop) also left Carl when he was just 3 years old. Carl becomes a hero when he started working on the Barge with a man called Skip Duncan. Before Carl had been working on the Barge, skip would only get 3 or 4 cars a trip but now that Carl is working he now gets at least 10 or more.

“My parents reckon whatever they’re paying you, it’s not enough”… “You’re a bloody hero” (page 172)Skip was very angry at the ‘Matts’ for the death of his son. Skip sees Carl as a ‘Matt’ always a reminder of the accident 20 years ago involving Carl’s Grandfather Dessi Matt and Skip and Joys son. The accident left Skip in emotional and physical pain and with a permanent limp. “Matt the word exploded. Skip turned again to Joy”. Is this some kind of a joke? You bring a Matt onto my Barge…” (Page 66) Skip ends up liking Carl because of the way Carl works with him on the barge. Carl is not like the other Matts. “He stretched out his arm, hand open and Carl took it …” (page 133) When men shake hands it is a sign of respect or they are really good mates.

In the end Carl and Skip learn to open up and trust people. They worked through the emotional pain of sadness and disappointment inflicted on them by others. With support from Joy, Maddie and Justine, Carl and Skip learned to let others in to their lives to finally move on.