Causes of the 1917 Russian Revolution

Essay by chamiibestHigh School, 11th gradeC+, October 2009

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The 1917 Russian revolution was triggered by many different events and their outcomes in the time of Tsar Nicholas II’s ruling. The first world war had major affect on Russia due to major defeats and inaccurate advice causing over 3.8million the be wounded and large numbers of people left dead. Russia’s position in the war was hopeless by 1916 and this led to many more harsh defeats. There were many stages leading to the Russian Revolution of 1917 which included the fall of Tsarism which was the February revolution, forming a provisional government, the return of Lenin, and the October revolution.

The first stage of the Russian revolution was the fall of Tsarism which was influenced by many decisions events and people over a number of years. The major and continuous failures in led Tsar Nicholas II to take command of his tropes at the battle front leaving his wife Tsarina Alexandra who was highly influenced by Rasputin to take over responsibly of the throne and the daily business of the government.

The people of Russia despised the support and influence of Rasputin and claimed that they were having an affair. Many conflicts broke out regarding this and Rasputin used his position to an advantage and basically had control over the government. Rasputin eliminated and elected ministers based on personal decisions and when one did not agree with him he would eliminate them from there role. Rasputin was hated and the support of the Russian people was decreasing as they began to loose trust in the Tsar and disagree wit his opinions.

On March 8th starving peasants began to march through the streets of Petrograd feeling they had been abandoned by Nicholas while he was still at war front and demand the government to supply them with bread and so the Tsar ordered his troops to control the crowds. Though on March 10th the soldiers sided with the crowds of hungry peasants and no longer supported or protected Nicholas. The Duma rejected the orders of Nicholas to suspend their session and so both the upper and lower class did not accept or support his rulings and so the rule of Tsar Nicholas II was put to an end. On March 2nd Nicholas abdicated for him and his son Alexei and passed on responsibility of the throne to his brother Mikhail who refused to take on the role.

The Duma chose a Provisional Government to rule Russia which was formed under the premiership of Prince Lvov and was seen as the legal authority by the foreign government due to the democratic principals and by the soviets in Russia under the circumstance that they id not appose the aims of the soviets. In April Vladimir Lenin and initiated the October revolution as he immediately launched his anti-war on government and demanded the provisional government to give up all their powers and pass them onto the soviet.

The social revolutionist and the Mensheviks joined the provisional government and aimed to create a democratic republic that was alike with France and the United States. The majority of Russians began supporting the Bolsheviks who regained their power with the use of their military support when the provisional government was in need of it.

Lenin intended to plan a revolution and to set up a socialist society in Russia and this was the first ever communist party in the world.

There were may causes that led to the 1917 Russian revolution and many things influenced the success of this and all the events that took place where bringing the revolution closer and closer to happening and losing the support and role of autocracy and the Romanov Dynasty.

the Russian revolutions,1905-1917,HW Poon, 1979. Adapted by TK Chung.