
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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Censorship can stop children from seeing violence and sex in art, but it cannot hide what is already there. Our movies, television programs, music, and others are based on human behavior. People begin to question the entertainment industry for movies that contain sex, violence, and drugs. Julia Stiles writes "The 'O' Must Go On," and shows how our actions prevent others ideas and thoughts to come through. "New Grease For a Slippery Slope," by David Hinkley states that blaming "pop-culture" for "social evils" is very common these days. People say there is too much sex on television. "TV's Family Hour Loaded With Sexual Content, Says Study," by US News at CNN.com calls that family hour is anything but. Everything that is made like movies and television shows is derived from human behavior.

Sex, violence, and curse words: the worst enemy to children for their parents. Julia Stiles explains in "The 'O' Must Go On," the reality frightens people.

After the Columbine shooting the movie "O" postponed its release. Julia states, "We are all responsible for the choices we make. As unsetting as it is, no rating system can bring order to the chaos in this world." Stopping children from watching rated R movies won't stop them from having a gun in their hand and ready to shoot. Everyone is responsible for his or her own decisions and actions. Watching movies such as "O" can maybe help children and teens understand the consequences before it's too late. All violence children see daily in school, at home, and in the news is greater that what is viewed in movies.

Blaming pop culture for everything is the new thing. There are too many video games filled with violence and too many movies involving killing sprees say government officials. "Not all incidentally, 15 year-olds are also more likely to understand that 'Scream' and 'Harvester' are comedies, over the top cartoons. Teenagers don't take these movies seriously. Stopping them from watching them will not stop the violence. People with common sense would find these types of movies funny. There are others that are older and still act so foolishly and actually perform such horrific acts. Law officials should worry about the criminals and sex offenders out on the streets, not what's on T.V. Children see these things everyday on the news and in the newspaper; children are urges to watch and read. Their teachers and parents expect them to read and be up to date on events.

Television has always been loaded with sexual content. During prime time's "family hour," studies done by organizations such as the Kaiser Family Foundation say that there is too much sex when there are children watching. Only about 9% of shows actually explain the risks of sex is said in the article "Family Hour is Loaded With Sexual Content, Says Study," by the US News at CNN.com. Victoria Rideout states "she said 700,000 teenage girls face unplanned pregnancies each year and millions of teens contract sexually transmitted diseases-but not on television." It's true there is much sex on T.V and not all of it is explaining the risks. If there are children watching these programs with their families they should come to a conclusion that sex is not safe. Blocking teens and young ones from watching this might make it seen that sex isn't a big issue and find it okay to do. Those girls that get pregnant and contract STDs should have had some previous knowledge of sex. Censorship won't make the parents address these issues with their children. They too have to play a role in their child's life. Rating on television won't stop the thought of sex or the actions of sexual activities when it's in school and in the news.

Censorship is made to stop children from witnessing inappropriate acts on T.V and in the movies. Sometimes, as Julia Stiles explains, seeing this "inappropriate" behavior might actually help teens see and avoid the dangers of violence. "New Grease For a Slippery Slope" by David Hinkley explains that even though children are observing violence and sex in the movies, they don't seem to be taking it seriously. Stopping them will not stop the violence. Television will always have sex. Sex sells. Parents and teachers have to be there for our children. If the entertainment industry has the power to move children and teens into violence and sex, then there are major issues concerning with our family values.