Chapter Four

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorUniversity, Master's February 2002

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Chapter Summary This Chapter discussed the process of designing a publication. Designing a publication involves determining the format and layout of a publication, and then creating the publication. The steps for designing a publication are: 1. Determine the purpose, audience, and format of the publication.

2. Draw thumbnail sketches of the layout.

3. Review the sketches in terms of the four design concepts: appropriateness, balance, focus and flow, and consistency.

4. Revise the thumbnail sketches as needed.

5. Create the publication in PageMaker.

6. Print a copy and review it carefully.

7. Make and changes necessary.

8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until the desired effect is achieved.

Because the purpose and audience affects the elements, layout, and format of a publication, they should be clearly defined. It is helpful to create a list of the purpose and audience characteristics.

The Physical format of a publication refers to the binding.

There are many different binding styles available. When choosing the style of binding, the method of distribution, the budget available, and the amount of text and graphics in the publication need to be considered.

Thumbnail sketches are drawn by hand on paper and are used to sketch different layouts for a publication without focusing on the content. Thumbnail sketches usually go through several revisions before a workable layout is found.

As a publication is designed, four basic design concepts need to be considered: appropriateness, balance, focus and flow, and consistency. There are no absolute rules for designing publications, only guidelines and good designs usually result after considerable revision.

Each element in a design needs to be appropriate for the publication's content and audience. The fonts, graphics, and layout can affect the reader's expectations about a publication.

The balance of a design refers to the relative weight and placement of each element and how they work together. The contents of a picture can affect it's weight. If elements balance to well the reader's interest in the publication may decrease. Therefor, small varaitions in layout can create less static appearance and hold the reader's interest. It is important to balance