Chemistry: Notes I took in class on Heat and Energy.

Essay by LoUdMoUtH87High School, 11th grade November 2005

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Energy- the ability to do work or produce Heat



Potential Energy- Energy that is stored; comes from composition or position of object

Ex: Energy stored in foods and fuels energy possessed by H2O behind a dam

Chemical Potential Energy- Stored Energy held within the bonds that hold atoms or molecules together. Some molecules hold more energy than others.

Ex: Fuels like gasoline

Ex: Foods like carbs

Kinetic Energy- Energy in motion. Kinetic energy is directly related to the constant, random motion of its atoms.

2 different types of energy reactions:

*Endothermic- reaction where energy is added in order for reaction to take place

*Exothermic- energy (heat) is given off after or during the reaction (explosions)

*Most of the time, you can actually feel the heat.

A + B Ã AB + (heat)

(Reactants) Ã (Products)

à = Chemical change

Law of Conservation of Energy- Energy can only change forms.

It cannot be destroyed or created.

Ex: Solar à Electrical Nuclear à Hydraulic Power

Law of Conservation of Mass- Matter cannot be created or destroyed. It can only change forms into other matter or energy.


Ex: A + B Ã AB

40g + B Ã 70g

B Ã 30g

Phases of Matter

Evaporation- liquid to gas

Condensation- gas to liquid

Sublimation- solid to gas

Precipitation- gas to liquid

Freezing- liquid to solid

Melting- solid to liquid