Chores- To do or not to do

Essay by kevinli123Middle School, 6th gradeA+, October 2008

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Writing Prompt:Chores, to do or not to do?When I was around 6 years old, my parents based solely on my behavior and chores, to determine whether the week’s allowance was going to be given to me. It was usually a give-and-take situation. If I behaved and did my chores, I would get my weekly allowance of 25 dollars. If I didn’t, there wouldn’t be any punishment, but I didn’t need any other punishment. Usually, I loved to buy new high-tech gadgets, so, if I didn’t do my chores, I wouldn’t earn enough money to buy whatever I needed. The allowance incentive was all I needed to do my chores.

I think that doing responsibilities for allowances is one immense parenting move. Why? Mainly because of three reasons: Foremost, chores would help them understand how to spend money without going over. Secondly, chores would make the children believe as if they’re part of a household.

Lastly, it would make children understanding the importance of persistency in jobs.

Spending money was one enormous dilemma for me, back when I was 5 years old. I quickly spent all my gift money, in 3 seconds. When I turned 6, my parents started giving me chores for money. I have to admit, the solution was very effective. In no time flat, I learned to conserve what I had because of my every-week-limit. Chores are truly helpful in learning to conserve money, because, when you do chores, you earn a set boundary for that particular assignment. So, unless you wish to spend your week’s hard-earned money in a single attempt and have nothing for the rest of the week, chores help you conserve and spend money slower.

Before I was six, I took money and work around the house for granted, and never wanted to be part of anything. Chores changed everything about working around the house. Chores would get most people, motivated for a price. Chores would consist of working, cleaning around the house, and mopping the floor. Everything I did was exhausting but worth it. Right after I completed the chore. I would feel tremendously involved in my household, and it would feel as if I possess some part of it. Overall, chores are great if kids want to believe as if they are part of the family.

Persistency is a word used often in competition, training and work. Persistency means to maintain what one is doing. In the working world, without persistency, there would be a no jobs that would last. Chores teach, in many ways, persistency. If you continuously do your chores, you get allowance. When you don’t you don’t get allowance. It’s the exact same thing in the real world. Either you do your job and get money or zip, nothing.

In conclusion, all of these reasons summarize why doing chores for allowance is a superior initiative. Along the way, you’ll learn, persistency, how to conserve money, and to be involved in a household.