Classroom Deportment

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2002

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In any working relationship, there need be a sense of order and discipline. This constant applies to one's relationship with educators as well as all other figures of authority. Most of the time in a student / teacher relationship is spent in the classroom. Therefore to enable a profitable experience for both parties involved in the relationship, order and discipline must again be in place. The teacher's role involves educating and disciplining the students. A teacher cannot teach without the attention of the class, therefore discipline is sometimes necessary to keep students in line. Some techniques used by teachers to discipline students are detentions, scoldings, and essays. The student also has a big responsibility in keeping the relationship in working order. The fundamentals of classroom deportment are paying attention to the teacher, participating in class, and remaining quiet throughout the lesson.

First of all, the student should give utmost attention to the teacher. The teacher is in front of the class trying to talk, the least the student should do is pay attention. Also by listening to the teacher the student benefits more from the lesson being taught by the teacher. It is proven that a student paying attention absorbs 10 - 15% more information than a student doing otherwise.

Paying attention also rubs off on other students in the room. A teacher has better chance getting the message of the lesson through to the class if they are paying attention. Therefore it is in the students best interest to listen to the highly professional teacher during all lectures.

Next, the student should participate in class. When the teacher prepares a lesson plan, they design it to spark questions in the audience. These questions should be answered. During the lesson a teacher may even ask a question to the students. The teacher would be more than happy to see grade school like enthusiasm in his students. Many people remember the days of grade school when eager hands would be in the air anxiously waiting to picked for the delivery of an answer. Participating promotes fun in learning and it increases the element of continuity in the lesson. The class will go by faster if the student participates. So next time the teacher asks a question don't be shy, answer the question.

Lastly, the student should not talk to other students during class. While the teacher is talking, it is an absolute must for all students to be listening and not talking to each other. When kids are carrying on private conversations in the room it distracts not only the teacher but the students around them. It is imperative that all classroom distractions are eliminated including conversations right on through annoying noises made by pre-occupied students. As stated earlier, students absorb 10 - 15% more information while listening to the lesson than doing otherwise. Otherwise obviously including talking, whistling, and banging or tapping. One can easily understand the need for a quiet classroom with attentive students.

To conclude, it is essential for the student to pay attention to the teacher, participate in classroom discussion, and to remain quiet during lessons so as not to distract other students.

Paying attention to the teacher increases learning ability. Participating in the classroom discussion promotes fun in class as well as continuity in lessons, thereby speeding up class theoretically.

Remaining quiet throughout the lesson also promotes a better learning environment by having less distractions in the class. It is simply elementary that the three fundamentals of classroom deportment are a necessity in learning.