
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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517 words NOT ONLY ETHICALLY, BUT ALSO TECHNICALLY IMPOSSIBLE Nowadays we often hear about cloning of some species. There is no doubt that the next to be cloned is human. Many people think that it is not ethical, it has many risks, but in fact it is technically so hard, too.

The ethical problems can not be omitted in genetic technology. Not only some scientists, but also governments and religious surroundings argue about experiments. It is not very difficult to get rid of unsound animals, however it is not the same for unsound human effected by cloning. The question here is "who will be responsible?" And of course there are social effects of being cloned even if you are lucky enough to be proper human. It is said that soldiers, who are strong as a bear, clever as Einstein and obedient as a dog, can be created. But who wants to be such a soldier, an artificial person? The cloned one will be seen as merchandise, and this will bring human trade likewise slavery.

In fact the people are responsible to the God, whereas cloned people will be under pressure of being responsible to and being belonged to an another one. In addition, there are ethical problems about animals used as cavies. The latest researches indicates that animals have more complicated mental life than they are considered. They may not think but they have some senses same as we do have. You can see the tears of an elephant if its young dies. Thus the scientists must not have the right of generating an unsound animal likewise they are always bringing out.

Moreover, there are many other pitfalls coming with genetic technology. One of them is genetically engineered viruses. By modifying the genes fatal viruses can be developed, unfortunately no one can guarantee not to use them for catastrophic purposes by terrorist hands ( Radford, 2001). Today, in many countries sale of genetically modified foods is forbidden and also in European Community, GM foods are suspected because of their side effects. There is widespread usage of genetics in agriculture. Scientists work on high productive and durable crops. On the other hand many kinds of insects are effected by these modified crops which have poisonous effects. Also some harmful insects gain immunity for fertilizers by eating GM crops in their food chain.

The most ambitious problem is the efficiency, which is about three per cent in cloning. Of course only successful results are declared, and people have no idea about faulty cavies. Serious problems with genetic structure and development are observed. Rapid increase in weight, heart problems, lack of immunity missing organs are only a few of these problems (New York Times, 2001). By these techniques in the hand, cloning of a proper human is impossible.

In conclusion, because of ethical problems, risks and low efficiency, use of genetic technology must be restricted. Scientist should work on other methods in stead of genetics to overcome male sterility and some specific ailments.

Reference: Radford, Tim. "Laboratory workers create killer virus by accident" The Guardian Weekly January 24 2001 :19 Mustafa ÖZSOY