The Colour Purple

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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The Color Purple, by Alice Walker is about an African- American young girl named Celie who lived in the era where slavery was common. Unlike regular novels, this novel is composed of several letters beginning from the age of fourteen. In the beginning, Celie?s mother gives birth to a baby boy, but she gets sick after the pregnancy. Celie?s father gets tired of waiting for sex so he begins to rape Celie. After many numerous sexual encounters of her and her father, Pa, Celie gets pregnant. Not once, but twice and both times he father gives her babies away. Celie?s mother dies due to her illness and has to raise her siblings by herself. Pa then forces Celie to mary Mr. ____. She didn?t like living with her forced husband because she has to watch the kids and practically do everything around the house. He beats her for no reason.

Her life was a living hell until her sister, Nellie comes to live with them but only for a few weeks and then she is kicked out by Mr. _____. He has a mistress and she became every sick. He drove her home and made Celie take care of her. They began to have this bond between them. Shug would sometimes tell Mr. ___ to stop beating Celie. When Shug felt better, both Celie and Shug decide to leave and go to Memphis. They tried to make a living designing pants. Cellie finds out that Pa is not her real father and when he died, she inherits the house. She then finds out that Mr. ____ is a better person and asked forgiveness from Celie. Celie moved back and fixed the house