Compare And Contrast ANFITG And TS

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 11th grade April 2001

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Emily Dickinson wrote a poem called "A Narrow Fellow in the Grass." Wendell Berry wrote a poem called "The Snake." These poems are alike on some ways, but in most ways they are different.

The poems are alike in a few ways. One way they are alike is that they are both about a snake. They are also alike because both of the speakers in the poems see snakes. "A spotted shaft is seen..." and "I found....a small snake..." shows that the snakes were seen in both poems.

The poems are also different in a lot of ways. One way they are different is because in "A Narrow Fellow in the Grass" the subject of the poem is not clear. In "The Snake", the subject is clearly named. The title of "The Snake" shows this. In "The Snake" the snake is dead. You know this because it says, "the death that swells him."

The snake is alive in "A Narrow Fellow in the Grass" because it says, "It wrinkled, and was gone." I like "The Snake" better because it is more clear than "A Narrow Fellow in the Grass."