
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate January 2002

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Babylonians Introduction: In order to make a complete study of the babylonians, it would take a lifetime. Most of the babylonians were farmers, or merchants. Babylon rose to importance under the Amorites, who founded the city of Babylon, and started the babylonians first dynasty. The name babylonian, is derived from the sumerians. They had a highly developed culture originating from the sumerians. The babylonians also inufluenced later civilizations.

Geography:Babylon was situated in the area known as the Mesopotamia, which is Greek for "Between Two Rivers." Mesopotamia was in the near east in roughly the same geographical position as modern Iraq. Two rivers flow through Mesopotamia. The Tigris and the Euphrates. Babylon is just one of many cities that was built along these great rivers.

Babylon had many different lands. In the north there were mountains, and in the east there were rivers, and river basins. It was a wetter enviroment, which they used for irrigation.

Most of central Mesopotamia would have been desert, except in the vicinity of the two rivers. These rivers carried water to the area. These rivers formed the huge alluvial plain on which the agriculture prosperity of the region first started upon. Babylon was built right in the middle of this area. To the west of babylon, there was nothing but desert. It was inhibited by the nomads. Babylon was built upon what is now days, bagdad.

Great Events:Some of the events in Babylon was first probably the most important, farming begins. Farming first began in about 9000 B.C. Next they invented clay bricks. This was 1000 years later in 8000 B.C. In 7000B.C. they first started to use irrigation. In 6000 they started working with metals and other objects. This allowed them to build better tools, and construct better buildings. Another huge even that occured, was the invention of writing. This happened at about 3300B.C. A short while after that they began to use the wheel. In 2000B.C. the southern part of the babylonians was taken over by the Amorites. Then in 1760B.C. Hammurabi becomes ruler. He was known as their greatest ruler of all time. While he was king, no one took over Babylon.

Culture:The babylonians had many laws. There was the code of Hammurabi. This was a very very strict code that the people of babylon had to follow. This was strict because a lot of the things on there were punishable by death. Also many of his laws followed the concept of "An Eye For An Eye." This meant that whatever you did, the same was done unto you. There was school in babylon, and everyone except slaves attended. They started school around the ages of 6-9. Slaves were a big part of the babylon culture. Like egypt, slaves were used to do work and to build buildings. The babylons didn't have great pyramids, but they did have grand palaces.

Conclusions:From this paper you can see that the babylonians weren't much different from the way we are today. They went to school and worked at a job. Of course their jobs were different, but they used to same concept. They also had laws, telling what should happen if a crime was committed, exactly like we have today. One of the greatest differences between the babylonians and us nowadays is that we don't have one ruler. We have the president but he isn't a monarch.

Insights:Through doing this I have learned that the babylonians are much like us and that they arn't just a boring civilizaion from the past. They were fun to learn about. They had many interesting ideas, and many interesting ways of life.

Bibliography:Through this paper I used the internet, my text book, and the world book.