"Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket" by Jack Finney(Page: 6)

Essay by Kodi_bnbHigh School, 10th grade February 2007

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The story "Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket" takes place in an apartment in New York City high above Lexington Avenue in the 1950s.

Tom is staying at home while his wife goes to the movies so he can write a memo out lining his suggestions for a new grocery store display method. While his wife goes out the door, the paper he is working on that contains all of his research notes blows out the window. Then the paper sticks to the wall out side of the building further then Tom could reach. Then he goes out on the ledge to try to get the paper and after dangerously trying to get the paper and getting it he found that the window to his apartment was not shut. After trying for a while he is finally able to smash the glass in the window. After being back in his apartment he sat the paper on his desk.

As he opens the front door to go join his wife at the movies, the paper blows out the smashed window. Tom just laughs and leaves to go join his wife at the movies.

The problem in the story is Tom Benecke's is the grocery chain manager and while his wife was leaving to go to the movies his memo outlining his suggestions for a new grocery store display method blows out the door.

Tom Benecke eventually gets the paper back and sets it on his desk and gets his coat to go to the movies with his wife and as he opens the front door is paper gets blown out the smashed window never to be seen again and Tom just laughs and leaves to join his wife.